47% rain deficit in August at Karnataka – News2IN

47% rain deficit in August at Karnataka

47% rain deficit in August at Karnataka
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Most Karnataka has experienced dry mantras this month after receiving excess rainfall in June and July.
Prolonged long-term monsoons threaten to achieve the harvest production of Kharif season, adding to the tribulation of farmers affected by pandemic fluctuations and weather.
In the area that saw a heavy shower, 86 Taluk was declared a flood hit.
The overall situation caused concern: Karnataka has received around 47% less than normal rainfall in August.
In ordinary monsoons, 144mm rain is expected between August 1 and 18.
This time, the country only looks at 77mm.
Northern interior Karnataka has suffered the most (51% rain deficit to Wednesday), followed by malnad (50%) and coastal parts (49%).
The south interior of Karnataka is relatively better with a 25% deficit.
“The dry mantra occurs at a critical time: plants have reached the seed stage.
Rain is needed now.
If dry conditions continue for a week or 10 days, plants will be affected,” said HS Shivaramu, Agrometeorogol, Gandhi Krishi Vigayana Kendra (GKVK), Bengaluru .
Weather forecasts are currently not encouraging, with CS Patil, Director of the Indian Meteorology Department, Bengaluru, by saying that there will be no rainfall for the next five days.
But he hopes that the low depression area will form above the sea after that.
The Kharif season (June-October) starts well like the rainy season in early June.
The northern interior and South Interior Karnataka received 78% rainfall and 37% more than normal, respectively, and 13 districts saw flooding.
‘Need more rainfall’ “Sowing forward before dry mantra.
There is a break on Tuesday and Wednesday because of several places, including Bidar, receiving moderate rainfall.
But we need more evenly-even rainfall,” said Srinivas, director.
from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Last year, there was a recording that sowed 77 lakh hectares because it was against the targeted area of ​​73 lakh hectares.
This year, coverage has reached 68 hectares and sowed for yeast and peanuts due in many parts.
Water-solid plants such as rice have reached the plantation stage and their survival will depend on the rain.
Manoj Rajan, Commissioner of the Karnataka State Disaster Management Authority, is optimistic about the scenario, noting that the rainy season remains normal in the season of Kharif with only a total deficit of 8%.
“It’s not so gloomy.
The reservoir is almost full because of good rainfall in June and July.
The release of water regularly will take care of agricultural needs.
I don’t think there are causes of concern,” he added.
Meanwhile, the state government stated 61 marks in 13 districts as flood attacks last week.
Representatives from many net affected by other impacts are repaid in the area left behind from the list.
BJP Legislator MP Kumaraswamy, who represents Mudigere in Chikkamagaluru Regency, holds Dharna at the Vidhana Soudha place.
Chairman of the Bakavaraj Minister Bommai spoke with Kumaraswamy on Tuesday, after the income department released a list of 86 revised talents, including Mudigere.

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