9 k’taka DISS reported more Covid cases in rural areas – News2IN

9 k’taka DISS reported more Covid cases in rural areas

9 k'taka DISS reported more Covid cases in rural areas
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: With the surge in cases Covid, rural areas carry a higher caseloads at least nine districts karnataka in the last 14 days which ends on January 18.
These districts are: Udupi, Hassan, Mandya, Uttara Kannada, ChikkaGalapur, Chamarajanagar and Kodagu.
In four districts, the number of infections Covid in rural areas far exceed those in urban groups.
For example, Mandya rural areas accounted for 2,576 cases against 1,124 the number of urban areas for the analysis period of 14 days.
In Ramanagara, rustic pouch reported 1,029 cases and 428 urban areas in Chamarajanagar, it was 850 to 248.
In Kodagu, rural areas had 623 cases and 320 urban Udupi (2,260 in Rural (108 to 109)) is the only district the list of these nine that have near parity in the distribution of cases.
Health Officer Dr.
Dhananjaya TN explain Mandya district should not be compared with other districts because 90% is rural.
“Every day, we get about 900 cases, though testing of symptomatic targeted.
Against the government’s target of 5000, we conducted 6,000 tests a day and isolated cases of positive from the beginning,” the official said, adding the cases in the district saw a huge jump after worshipers returning from Om Shakti Temple and Sabarimala in Kerala began testing positive in large quantities.
The clerk said testing in rural areas are relatively harder because people do not volunteer to check Covid and believe in home remedies that say what they had just chill.
“In this wave, many who have mild symptoms, and there is more reluctance to testing.
Appropriate conduct covid not followed is the main concern behind the rapid spread of cases in rural areas, even though the population density is much less,” said an officer , D Randeep, Commissioner of the Department of Welfare, Health and Family, said the weekend burukan apply statewide, but wearing a mask is not strictly adhered to in rural areas.
“The focus now should be on a doctor’s visit to the residence of the patient is isolated at home.
The initiative of ‘Vaidyara Nade Halliya Kade’ (Village Doctor Programs), which was discussed during a recent meeting with the Chief Minister, will soon be taken.
We want a team of doctors , including some of Ayush Stream, to take this in rural areas.
they will examine the health status of patients who are isolated at home and give them the assurance, “said Randeep.
He said the medical team will ensure that patients have received medical kit and a home insulation guide them to maintain appropriate behavior covid.
“Wherever it is not possible insulation of homes in the villages, Covid care center should be opened,” said Randeep.

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