Himalaya in trouble: Hydro Power Projects is not neutral carbon – News2IN

Himalaya in trouble: Hydro Power Projects is not neutral carbon

Himalaya in trouble: Hydro Power Projects is not neutral carbon
Written by news2in

Chandigarh: When Himalaya expressed landslide incidents, glacial explosions, avalanches, clouds and flash floods which caused massive destruction, environmental lovers warn the government’s authority that their high time must begin to worry about gross environmental products (GEP) other than Gross domestic product (GDP).
They also underlined the need to even shift from hydrocynetic power plant projects because the first is not neutral carbon.
Padma Bhushan based in Dehradun, Awardee Animal Anil Anil Prakash Joshi told TOI that now the question is life and not only environmental protection.
“Countries are worried about their gross domestic product, but have they ever thought of gross environmental products for environmental conservation?” Joshi’s question, which is the founder of the Himalayan Environment and Conservation Organization.
He said GEP has four pillars – Increasing forest cover, the amount of rainwater preserved, focusing on improving air quality and steps taken to preserve land.
Joshi warns that we should not abuse the mountain only for the sake of development or promotion of tourism activities because these mountains are the most vulnerable and large accidents are inevitable.
At the same time, people should not come with construction near the stream, river or downstream glacier, he added.
Emphasizing the emphasis on the increase in forest cover, he said the results of recent reports on the inter-government panel about climate change was not surprising because such incidents of destruction have been in the mountains since the last decade.
He suggested that development activities such as buildings, roads, hydropower projects must be carried out very carefully and planning.
The shift from Hydro Power to Hydrocinetic Power Generation and Activist Kulbhushan UPMANYU, the founder of the Himalaya Bachao Samiti based in Chamba Regency in Himachal Pradesh, is the view that our government has chosen the wrong development model we need to mention the steps of slowing construction if we want Save the environment.
Advocating that energy production must be carbon neutral, he said, “The process of hydro power plants is not carbon neutral because the green cover is destroyed in the process of construction of the Hydel project.” In this process, biomaterials fall due to flooding and decomposed in the process of decomposition of anaerobes that produce methane, which is far more dangerous than carbon dioxide, he said.
“In Himachal Pradesh, only the remaining Chandrabhaga valley and there are now 10-12 Hydro Power projects proposed,” he said.
Emphasizing the need to review this decision, UPMANYU said that such as the United States and several other developed countries, we need to switch to the hydrocynetic technique of power plants where small turbines up to 60 megawatts are placed on a river trip or near the beach.
Although this technology is a little expensive but such as solar power plants have now changed cheaper than hydropower or thermal power plants, the cost will also go down with time, he said.
The need for the original biodiversity conservation environment also marks the problem of promoting custom biodiversity conservation by planting such trees which also help local people in their livelihoods.
The active crusade from the Chipko movement at Himachal Pradesh in the early 1980s, upmanyu said they were against pine wood and pine trees.
The agricultural land in Himachal Pradesh is only 10% of the total geographical regions and survival of the community is not possible in this land in the agro-based economy.
“Although green cover has increased from 16-17% in 1980 to almost 23% now, forestry retreat must now replace wood trees such as ‘chir-reserves’ or pine with trees such as fruit, fuel, fiber and have value Medication.
Asked about the actions of the government’s Himachal over the Apple Gardens of the Ax was planted by people in the land of the government, UPMANYU said rather than cutting fruit trees such, such gardens should be made by community properties that must be managed by the management committee empowered by the involvement of local residents .

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