Haryana: The statue of Jesus Christ was damaged at Ambala – News2IN

Haryana: The statue of Jesus Christ was damaged at Ambala

Haryana: The statue of Jesus Christ was damaged at Ambala
Written by news2in

Ambala: The statue of Jesus Christ was damaged by two suspects at the entrance to the British history redeemer church on Ambala Cantonment (Cantt) at the early hours after Christmas Prayer on Sunday.
The police said that crime occurred between 12:30 a.m.
to 1.40 am.
In accordance with the initial investigation, two suspects were seen in CCTV camera footage, which entered without permission to the church property, broke some lighting and damaged the statue, following the Christmas prayer.
The police had ordered two suspects for hurting religious sentiments by tarnishing the statue of Jesus, in without permission and delinquency at the Ambala Cantonment Police Station on Sunday.
When receiving information about crime, Ambala Police Additional Police Supervisors (ASP) Pooja Dabla, DSP Ambala Cantt Ram Kumar, police officers of Police Cantt and Crime Investigation Agency (CIA) reached the church on Sunday and examined point crime.
Pastor Patras Mundu from the Holy Church of the Redeemer, Redemptoris, Ambala said, “This church is very old and history in Ambala and founded in the 1840s.
There has never been such an event at.” “Two suspects entered the church property around 12:30 a.m.
after Christmas Prayer.
Because of the locking, the church closed at the time when we obey the limitations of the government.
Christmas prayer was completed at 9:30 a.m., at 10pm had been out and 10:30.
PM, the whole church Including the gate is closed, “said Pastor Patras Mundu.
“Around 12:30 a.m., two suspects entered the church property by jumping over the gate.
They roamed electricity lighting and while going around 1:40 a.m., they harmed and tarnished the statue of Jesus.
This is a very sensitive problem for Christians.
Community and Our religious sentiment is very hurt.
In CCTV footage, it is very clear that this is deliberately done “, said Pastor Patras Mundu, in his complaint to the Ambala police.
ASP Pooja who reached the church said, “We received the information that morning that damage in the Church and DSP, the Sho and CIA team immediately reached the place.
Based on the investigation, CCTV cameras were examined in the church and two suspects seen who committed crimes in damage or injuring sentiment Religion.
The problem will be investigated thoroughly and immediately accuse people to be rounded after identifying them.
We will also check the camera outside the church to establish their identity.
The action will be taken.
On the basis of the complaint proposed by the Church Authority.
“DSP Ambala Cantt Ram Kumar said , “In the complaint of Pastor Patras Mundu Church, we have registered a case against two unknown people under Section 295-A (intentional and dangerous actions, intended to prevent religious feelings), 427 (damage that causes damage to fifty rupees) , 452 (home trespasses) from KUHP (IPC) India (IPC) and started an investigation.
“Ber Talk to the media in Chandigarh, Haryana Home Minister, Anil Vij said, “We have started an effort to arrest the accused people.
Three CIA-I and II teams and Sho Ambala Cantt have been formed to arrest them.
We have obtained CCTV recordings, where, two young men can be seen committing crime.
On the basis of CCTV footage, we hope the elements will be arrested immediately.
“Watch Ambala: The statue of Jesus Christ was damaged outside the British-era holy redeemer church

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