The allocation of UGC to Karnataka Colleges dries – News2IN

The allocation of UGC to Karnataka Colleges dries

The allocation of UGC to Karnataka Colleges dries
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Many universities in the state were shaken with a lack of funds as the allocation of the University Grants (UGC) of the University to them had dried over the past two years.
According to RTI replies provided by the Regional Office of the UGC to TOI, funds for several schemes such as public development assistance, small research projects, faculty development programs, and sports infrastructure dropped to the Nile at 2021-22.
Details for 2019-20 are inaccessible.
Under general development assistance, UGC released Rs 3.6 Crore in 2016-17, Rs 2.5 Crore in 2017-18, and RS 1.9 Crore in 2018-19 to college in the state.
It dropped to Rs 2.8 lakh at 2020-21 and nil on 2021-22.
Beneficiaries are dipped from 46 in 2016-17 to 2 at 2021-22.
Similarly, UGC has provided Rs 1.5 Crore in 2017-18 and Rs 2.2 Crore in 2018-19 to 46 and 36 beneficiaries, for faculty development programs in Karnataka.
It was 1.9 lakh at 2020-21 for 11 beneficiaries.
In 2021-22, there were no funds.
This is the same story with several other schemes from the regional office.
UGC released Rs 37 lakh for 117 beneficiaries in 2016-17 for the teacher’s minor research project.
The number falls to RS 21 Lakh in 2017-18 and Rs 29 Lakh in 2018-19.
There are no funds allocated for 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Funds under the autonomous college scheme were also reduced to the Nile at 2021-22 from RS 3.7 Crore in 2016-17, Rs 2.9 Crore in 2017-18 and Rs 3.9 Crore in 2018-19 and Rs 20-21.
Higher education has begun to feel pinches.
“We have not received funds in the past two years.
Arrears are also delayed.
We have stopped all the development of infrastructure and maintenance work, and fully rely on management funds because the costs of students are not enough.
For colleges managed by smaller management, everything is worse , “said the principal from an autonomous college in the city.
“We do not have funds other than those provided by the Collegiate Education Department.
We have no power to do other jobs other than routine,” said the principal from a government college.
The UGC leader does not respond to questions even though the call and repetitive letter.
However, sources at UGC said this scheme was stopped after the 12th five-year plan ended.
There is no scheme being funded from the regional office, they said.
“A lot of funds have been directed to large research projects such as stepping and spark.
However, they can only be accessed by the top institutions that have shown good research capacity.
Local universities, where most students learn, will not benefit from them,” said an academic.
An official said: “They can get funds from deer or collaborate with the top colleges to step and splash.
It depends on the state government initiative on the rope in college for this collaboration.” “It should be noted that many UGC funds are given to the college High government is not used and returned.
Many universities do not take the initiative to use it because the principal will approach retirement or post will be empty, “he said.
However, it should be noted that deer funds are not available for assisted universities that have a large number of students.
In addition, they have no research funds such as UGC.
While Karnataka remains the first country in the country to implement the NEP, a fixed obstacle with UGC funds and the scheme.
“When the government wants us to apply NEP, we must have sufficient funds.
Because there is a decrease from the center due to lack of funds, we also have to see the internal generation.
We must have CSR funds, increasing tuition and UGC costs must also see increased funding.
Only with Once we can improve the quality of education, “said Venugopal Kr, Deputy Chancellor, Bangalore University.
“This is the first time since independence that universities are ignored by the supervisory body so far.
This will conflict with the spirit of NEP,” the academic said.

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