Solve Rubik cubes is cakewalk for this 7-yr-old b’luru – News2IN

Solve Rubik cubes is cakewalk for this 7-yr-old b’luru

Solve Rubik cubes is cakewalk for this 7-yr-old b'luru
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Punarva Chandramouli, 7, just like another child of age – he enjoys activities like reading, painting, and swimming.
But what distinguishes it is his desire for Rubik’s Cube and the ability to solve it very quickly.
The latest feather in the lid is the place in the Asia Book of Records to solve the maximum number of Rubik cubes, which he won on June 18.
The girl also managed to become an Indian notebook to solve the maximum number of Rubik cubes (mostly resolved by a child) – 35 only 31 minutes, 7 seconds and 62 milliseconds on June 9.
Punarva’s landmark achievement is a place in an international notebook because it becomes’ the fastest to complete the maximum varieties of the Rubik cube – he completed 21 cubes 19 minutes, 33 seconds 88 Centisetics.
He created a note on April 11.
He also participated in world records of the largest number of people who solved various types of Rubik cubes in the least time on April 25 for international notebooks.
The second grader at Baldwin Girls High School, whose favorite subjects are mathematics, said the settlement of the cube is all those who are experienced in algorithms and formulas taught in class.
“I finish it for at least an hour every day.
Solve the Rubik cube makes his brain more sharply and smartly,” Punarva told Toi.
Punarva was first introduced to Rubik’s Cube when his father’s work brought his family to Switzerland in 2019.
His father, Chandramouli Parvathamma Gangadhar, an IT professional, said he became acquainted with the Cube, looked at his friends in Switzerland.
“When we returned to India in August 2020, his interest in the Rubik cube peaked.
He asked to be registered in the class to learn how to finish it,” he said.
That’s when Chandramouli and his wife, Aruna Kempowda, a housewife, decided to register Punarva at Stain Studio.
Punarva’s Elder Brother Kavan is a 5th grade student at Baldwin Boys High School.
Srinivasa Murthy taught him everything online – formulas, algorithms.
Every cube with different dimensions requires a different algorithm and is very interesting to see it.
It requires a lot of patience and focus,” Chandramouli said, adding how he could not do it perfectly like his daughter even After a repetitive effort.
He said it was not a cup of tea, and he and his wife felt proud to see their daughter made one record after another.
Punarva still finds out what he wants when he grows.
While he said he was aspiring to become a doctor, Chandramouli chuckled and said: “Until yesterday, his dream was to become a teacher.”

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