Leader Dalit Congress Meet Navjot Singh Sidhu – News2IN

Leader Dalit Congress Meet Navjot Singh Sidhu

Leader Dalit Congress Meet Navjot Singh Sidhu
Written by news2in

Chandigarh: The Dalit Leader of the Punjab Congress took a delayed problem from the SC community with the president of the Punjab Congress Navjot Singh Sidhu.
Some of them emphasized the demand for more representatives in the Cabinet of State, while others welcomed the decision of the minister’s chairman to bring a new SC bill.
Amritsar West Mla Raj Kumar Verka said there were 32 MLA from the Dalit community and the state had a pop population of around 32%.
“Going with this, the ideal representation should be six places anchored cabinet, but there are three SCS ministers at this time.
We have raised this problem with the command of the high party and also with the Minister of Chief Justice Amarinder Singh.
We hope this shortcomings will be repaired.” Meeting with leaders SC remains uneasy and Sidhu will return to see him on Tuesday.
Sidhu also met the Minister and MLA belonging to three Fatehgarh Sahib, Mohali and Ropar to take their feedback about various problems.
A spokesman for Congress Punjab said, “The State President of the Navjot Party Singh Sidhu has a two-hour discussion with the leadership of the Congress from the Castu community scheduled for the problem faced by the Dalits of Punjab.
The meeting has a consensus on policies and programs for the benefit of the community while stressing that Every problem faced by the community must be resolved based on priority.
Sidhu together with the President who works Sukwinder Singh Danny and state leadership decides to meet again next week for further discussion about the party’s vision for the Dalit Punjab community.
“Aruna Cabinet Minister Chowdhary said after meeting that the problem was Pending from the community is discussed.
“The government is close to resolving several problems.
Some leaders also gave their advice to the party’s president,” he said.
In the more representation in the government, he said Punjab was undoubtedly having the highest Dalit population with the proportion in the country.
“But the post is not the only problem and another problem related to Dalit needs to be followed up so that the Congress enters the poll with a bright opportunity,” he said.
Meanwhile, the leader section appreciates the decision of the state government to introduce ‘the welfare of the state of the Punjab and the development of caste scheduled (planning, transition and utilization of financial resources), 2021’.
Congress Mla Raj Kumar Chhabewal said, “Punjab will be the first country in North India to bring such actions.
We are 31.9% Dalit in the state and the appropriate budget will be intended for a special scheme and there will be no scope to divert the budget.” At the cabinet reshuffle talks, Chhabewal said it was the prerogative of the minister’s main minister.
“The implementation of the 85th implementation has become a problem.
The new bill on SCS will resolve many things that are delayed because it will ensure excess money for scholarships and other schemes.
Until now, funds for Dalit are often transferred,” Verka added.

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