Karnataka: ‘There are no shots, no rations’ Draws Flak in Yadgir – News2IN

Karnataka: ‘There are no shots, no rations’ Draws Flak in Yadgir

Yadgir: In a controversial decision aimed at increasing coverage of Covid-19 vaccination in the district, Deputy Yadgir Commissioner Ragapriya R allegedly instructed staff at a review meeting on Monday to stop the supply of free backpacks to people who refused shots.
The Information Department sent release to reporters, stating: “DC Ragapriya R has instructed Deputy Directors (DD) of the Department of Food and Civil Equipment to draw free rations to residents who refused to take vaccination.” However, when contacted on Thursday, Ragapriya said he was wrong.
What was reluctant, the villagers of Kanchagarahalli had locked their homes and fled when officials arrived to manage the vaccine.
District has reported many similar incidents.
However, in the case of Kanchagarahalli Village, senior officials advised residents and many were initially reluctant to take a shot.
Orders Deputy Commissioners have attracted leaves from various quarters.
Many say that when the central government and the government have not made mandatory vaccination, it was wrong in the DC section to force and threaten people to take shots.
Every citizen has the freedom to choose, they said.
Officials at the Department of Food and Civil supplies were confirmed to the Toi that DC did continue the order.
An official said, “DD from the department we received oral instructions to stop the quota.
But there was no written command.
DC has done this for the good of the people and encourage them to take vaccines.” “I asked to act against those who attacked the Warriors’to getting Or not to get deputy commissioner Ragapriya insisted he was wrong.
“I just told the official to stop the allotment to those who attacked the Covid Warriors.
I verbally gave this instruction and asked officials to file a shot against these people.
We have received a number of good vaccine doses and work hard to reach the target.
The direction is for the benefit of citizens and protect them from the possibility of the third wave of infection.
Srinivas Kakkilaya, one of those who criticized DC, said,” If DC has courage, he must forward the written command.
On behalf of Covid, officials oppressed people’s freedom.
These instructions from DC violate constitutional rights.

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