A smooth bro – News2IN

A smooth bro

A smooth bro
Written by news2in

Vehicles registered with a new ‘Bharat’ sign that is introduced does not need to re-register while moving from one country or other union region
Relocation is easier with the Ministry of Transportation and the highway that introduces a new registration sign for vehicles.
Vehicles listed under the Bharat (BH-Series) Series will not need a new registration sign if the owner moves from one country to another
Format Mark Registration Series Bharat (BH-Series) Will YY BH #### XX (where YY is the first year of registration, the code for the Bharat series, #### – 0000 to 9999 (random) and xx-alphabetical ( Aa to ZZ).
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The new vehicle registration facility under “Series Bharat (BHARAT series (BH-Series)” will be voluntary to defense personnel, employees of the central and state government, central business and public sector state and private sector or organizations, which have their offices.
in four or more countries or union territory.
Motor vehicle tax will be collected for two years or in multiples of two.
This scheme will facilitate the free movement of private vehicles throughout the state and UTS.
After completion of the 14th year, motorized vehicle tax will be collected every year, which will be half of the number of previously charged for the vehicle.
At present, re-registration of vehicles is a complicated process.
Such movements create a discomfort in the mind of the employee in connection with the transfer of registration from the old country to another country.
Under part 47 of the motor vehicle law, 1988, a person was allowed to keep vehicles no more than 12 months in any state besides the situation where the vehicle was registered.
Re-registration with new state registration authorities must be made within 12 months.
At present, passenger vehicle users must follow a few steps to re-register vehicles – no Certificate of Objection (NOC) from parents for the assignment of new registration signs in other circumstances, assigning new registration signs after road tax (active pro average base) is paid in the country New and then have to submit a tax return on a parent state based on Pro RAM.
This provision to get refunds from parents is a very difficult and varied process from one country to another.

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