All hands on the deck to fight crime against women – News2IN

All hands on the deck to fight crime against women

All hands on the deck to fight crime against women
Written by news2in

East Bengaluru residents worked with the police to discuss and improve steps to fight crime against women.
Increased police patrol, lit on streets and CCTVs will keep the area safe.
Your mind
Ordering a continuous drizzle and the oath road, a group of residents on September 6 stood across Basha at Wheeler Road Extension to attend a meeting organized by D Sharanappa, DCP (East) and the officer and inspector team.
The group of about 10 men and 10 women, along with other Ward Committee members voiced their concerns over a recent crime scattered against women in the area, and discussed steps that could be improved or applied.
“Police patrols and vigilance must be better.
They have to go to the path by-lanes and not just the main road.
There are several entry points and exit for the city of cooke, and some of them shed to the bagaling and lingarajpuram area, where it is very easy for the people Offenders to escape.
For CCTV cameras, they must install signs, saying that the area is under supervision, “said Tina Patrao, a resident of Cooke City, one of the few attending the meeting.
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Patrao continued to add that a poorly functioning street light only made this problem worse.
“Because the street lights are under the BBMP scope, it is important for them to work with the police.
For most civil problems, solutions can only be achieved when all departments work together,” he said.
“As a community, we all need to work proactively in everyday things like attending this meeting and voicing our concerns.
I feel it is a positive sign that the police came to hear us.”
The Towns Mirror Special: Our StreetsSeveral Wolf a few weeks ago, Ankita Gupta (name changed), was walking around 7 nights near Basha’s at Wheeler Road with his friend and they saw a man on two wheelers past them here for several times.
DCP (East) D Sharanappa, said that they actively worked to make a safer place environment for women.
“We have increased our police patrols.
We have also shared the number of local officers, inspectors, and ACP responsible among residents, and immediately, we will respond to them.
“Many residents voiced concerns over the bushes that were difficult to regulate and the bush that proved to be a threat, and with BBMP, we have cleaned it.”
Sharanappa added that for the past 10 days, the zone has actively worked towards two problems which are the current priority: the first becomes a crime against women, and the second is drug abuse.
“We strive to identify places such as parks, land, and playgrounds that are often used to consume drugs by many people,” he said.
DCP also stated that they had identified several main points in the region which would have an increase in police patrols.
Are you a resident of East Bengalaru? We want to hear from you.

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