Anti-fungal medicine proved too expensive when he died 13-yr – News2IN

Anti-fungal medicine proved too expensive when he died 13-yr

Anti-fungal medicine proved too expensive when he died 13-yr
Written by news2in

Families are unable to buy Rs 29,000 a day for amphotericin so they shift children from private to the Mid-Govt facility
Unable to buy antifungal drugs, the family of a 13-year-old girl suffering from alleged mushrooms and bacterial infections must shift out of private hospitals to government facilities while she is in critical condition.
Children who have undergone ventilator support for three days have not succeeded.
Shifting it to government facilities is the opportunity to be taken by the family because they cannot afford RS.
29,000 for amphotericin B per day.
Alia (not her real name), the daughter of a car driver, has suffered a fever for three weeks and was treated in a private hospital on Friday night.
Relative Tanveer (name changed) to the Bangalore Mirror that they brought to the nearby clinic because he did not have covid symptoms and the family thought it was a viral fever.
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He said they were desperate to save their lives and even though doctors suggested not to change it in critical conditions, they had no other choice.
“The medicine costs Rs.
29,000 per day for four bottles that we cannot afford it Government pain and asking for medicine but we were told to shift.
We have promised gold to get the first four bottles.
Without the remaining options, we decided to take a risk to shift it to Indira Gandhi’s child hospital.
But she died in a few hours, “he said.
The word tanveer at the clinic, the doctor did not ask them to test him for Covid.
On Thursday night, he began to experience shortness of breath, but the family did not know.
“The next morning, we took it to a private hospital where they told us that it could be covid and asked us to shift it to Covid Hospital.
We gave samples for Covid tests in the morning and claimed to be a private hospital.
At night We were told that the oxygen saturation level was only 50 and it was critical, “he said.
The family decided to shift it to government facilities in the hope of getting free drugs from Mohamed Asif, medicalcope
Idrees Saquib from the emergency response team said that the family was under the poverty line and was unable to provide care at a private hospital.
“We have shifted it to the Medical Hospital and have spoken with hospitals and management, who agreed to provide a 50 percent discount for him.
The remaining amount of treatment is governed by several advanced organizations to help.
Health care and closed scanning and family have agreed To take care of the pharmacy.
We have notified them to reach us if they don’t have enough money.
We can just shift it to a government hospital but when he is in a ventilator since the first day, there is no choice but to continue treatment, “he said.
Hansel Mohamed Asif, Pulmonologist and Medical Director of Medical Cope Chest and Super Specialty Hospital said, the child was treated with a level of oxygen saturation 50 and was immediately placed in the ventilator.
“It’s a unique case.
He has tested the negative for Covid and through the test, we suspect severe bacterial and fungal infections so we have to immediately place it on amphotericin B because care cannot be delayed.
We don’t know which fungal infection because we don’t have time to Waiting for the test results that take ten days.
Even though we try to convince the family to continue the care here, they decide to shift it to government facilities in the hope of getting free drugs but because he is in a critical condition, he can’t survive.
We have given 50 discounts Percent in care and the remaining amount is paid by several NGOs, “he said.

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