Assam: Congress blames poor law and order under BJP for students’ murder in Dhemaji – News2IN

Assam: Congress blames poor law and order under BJP for students’ murder in Dhemaji

Assam: Congress blames poor law and order under BJP for students' murder in Dhemaji
Written by news2in

Guwahati: Nandita Saikia’s death, a fighting student from Moridhal College in Dhemuji in a machete attack, has thrown a question about the security of women in the state with the Congress blaming the BJP-led government and maintaining the law and maintaining the law and ordering ‘.
Bachelor students were brutally attacked by his college staff members on August 21.
Despite the best efforts of doctors and sympathizers, Nandita gave up on her injuries at the hospital in Dibrugarh on Wednesday.
PSAM PCC expressed deep concern and sadness in infinite Nandita’s death even when various student organizations protested in Dhemaji, demanding a death sentence to be accused of being accused, Sharma, who was already in the police net.
“The BJP Government of the State, which failed to defend law and order, had to give a punishment that deserves the perpetrators,” said Chairman of the State PCC Media Department, Bobbeeta Sharma, on Thursday.
Congress accused the state government has failed to fully maintain the law and order.
“The daytime attack on this young student with machetes, which leads to his death, explained the administrative inefficiency.
Assam was top in crimes against women in this country in the past three years.
Women are not safe in a state where the government is hell to protect cows,” Sharma said.
He added, “The role of what was called the Assam police who was alert in an incident in which a female student was brutally questioned.
We demanded an example sentence to be given to the killer.” Even when the family grieved and the environment was silent in sadness, another young woman Reportedly attacked with a dagger in Changsari, near Guwahati on Wednesday.
“It seems that murder, violence and rape have become the order of the day under the BJP government government,” Alleged Sharma.
A student IIT-Guwahati, who was accused of rape in March this year and was arrested, released on a guarantee on August 13.
“The Gahati High Court describes students accused of ‘assets’ in the future.
Such incidents reveal that women’s security is only a slogan in the state, while the opposite image is seen in fact,” he said.
Assam PCC has demanded that the government conduct an examination into the incident.
“Sharp scouts must be maintained to ensure the guilty of not escape the punishment.
The government must take steps to ensure women’s safety and protection,” he said.

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