Bengaluru: Bannerghatta Zoo, Safari to reopen on Thursday – News2IN

Bengaluru: Bannerghatta Zoo, Safari to reopen on Thursday

Bengaluru: Bannerghatta Zoo, Safari to reopen on Thursday
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: After staying closed for 91 days because the locking induced by the second wave of Covid-19, the zoo and animal safari in the Bannerghatta Biology Park (BBP) will be reopened on Thursday, although with severe restrictions to avoid any virus transmission from humans to animals.
The vehicle used for safari will be air-conditioned and only packaged food will be sold at the zoo; There is no outside food that will be permitted.
Visitors will not be allowed to feed animals.
According to sources at BBP, the zoo authority sent a proposal last week to the Department of Health and the welfare of the family with a revised standard operating procedure (SOP) to reopen the park and forest safari.
“We have a set of new soup suggested to the Department of Health Commissioner, which includes steps to ensure minimal animal contacts …,” said a senior official.
Zoo’s authority has suggested that they will have only 2,000 batches at once and no more than four batches a day.
“SOP has been approved by the Ministry of Health and permission has been given to open a zoo.
We plan to reopen Thursday (July 1),” the officer added.
Spread more than 732 hectares, parks, which include zoos, safari, butterfly parks, and animal rescue centers, closed on April 28.
This place is home to almost 2,388 animals belonging to 102 species.
The zoo sneaked into the crisis after the thinning footfall visitors and ticket sales dropped to zero during the long locking period.
The authorities send a request for animal lovers and the general public to contribute to the daily cost of eating and animal needs for animals and the same thing filled with extraordinary responses.
BBP Choose for the Mahotsav of the Indian Central Zoo Authority has chosen the Bannerghatta Biology Park to host Aazadi, Amrith Mahotsav, to conduct awareness about the Swallowtail of the Maalabar ribbon, a protected butterfly species of Western Ghats.
As part of the event, online webinar is scheduled to create awareness about butterfly species and steps that must be taken to save it.
Online competition – quiz, pictures, crafts, photography and elocution – will be done.
While the quiz will be held on Tuesday, entries for drawing and craft contests must be sent on Thursday; Entries for photography and elocution competition must be sent by Saturday to
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