Bengaluru lost 5 SQKM forests in 10 years: Report – News2IN

Bengaluru lost 5 SQKM forests in 10 years: Report

Bengaluru lost 5 SQKM forests in 10 years: Report
Written by news2in

Bengalru: Bengaluru, which has around 94 sqkm forest in 2011, only has around 89 SQKM in 2021, taking overall forest cover in connection with the total geographical region to 6.8% from 7.2% a decade ago, analysis of megacrives In India State Report (ISFR) for 2021 has revealed.
Bengaluru lost nearly 12.9 sqkm forest which was quite dense (MDF) in 2021 compared to 2011, while adding nearly 7.9 open forest sqkm (from).
Last year, the city had more than 12.6 SQKM MDF and almost 76.4 SKKM open forest.
Using a very large census classification of urban agglomeration with a population of more than 10 million people, ISFR-2021 said India has five major magities – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru and Chennai.
Ahmedabad and Hyderabad have also been assessed because they are two cities “grow rapidly”.
These seven cities have a combined forest cover of more than 509.7 SQKM, which is 68 SQKM more than 441.7 SQKM they have in 2011.
According to the report released on Thursday – which has since been removed from the official website – Delhi and Mumbai has news better than Bengaluru, while Chennai and Kolkata are worse than Garden City.
While Ahmedabad has lost more forests than Bengalaru in the past decade, Hyderabad, although adding the overall cover, poor fare when compared to the overall geographical area (see graph).
With more than 194.2 SQKM, Delhi has most of the forest cover in the absolute term, followed by Mumbai (110.7 SQKM), Bengaluru, Hyderabad (81.8 SQKM), Chennai (22.7 SQKM), Ahmedabad (9.4 SQKM) and Kolkata (1.8 SQKM).
However, as a percentage of their total geographical region, Mumbai led a table with more than a quarter of its land covered by forests, followed by Hyderabad (12.9%), Delhi (12.6%), Bengaluru, Chennai (5.3 SQKM) , Ahmedabad (2 SQKM) and Kolkata (0.9%).
“The maximum profit in forest cover is seen in Hyderabad (48.6 SQKM) followed by Delhi (19.9 SQKM), while Ahmedabad and Bengaluru have lost 8.5 SQKM and 5 SQKM,” report the report.

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