Bengaluru Urban Ranks 24th In Contact Tracing – News2IN

Bengaluru Urban Ranks 24th In Contact Tracing

Bengaluru Urban Ranks 24th In Contact Tracing
Written by news2in

Haveri: Although the level of participants in Haveri is one of the lowest in the state, the district mortality rate is very high, to date.
However, the district government concert efforts have helped examine the death of Covid-19 here.
Furthermore, the alertness to the authorities concerned has placed the haveri above in terms of success in contact contacts.
On average, almost 14 contacts, half is the main one, traced for each patient who is confirmed infected with Covid-19.
Ironically, Health Minister G Sudhakar’s Home District, Chikkaballater, is at the bottom of the list, with less than three people who have been related to infected patients tracked.
Bengaluru Urban is in place 24.
Haveri Additional Deputy Commissioner S Yogishwar said that efforts to track them in touch with infected patients have helped examine the transmission of the Coronavirus novel.
Recognizing the lack of cooperation from the public is one of the main obstacles to the process, he said, “but Asha workers, together with the Ministry of Health and Accountants in villages, have worked with each other to ensure people who have entered contact with patients Covid experienced a RT-PCR test and isolated themselves until they got the results.
“Haveri Zilla Pancayat Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Roshan connects the success of the district authority for micro management.
“Panchayat development officers worked with staff from other departments and helped track infected patient contacts, especially during the second wave.
The task force of the Panchayat gram task also worked hard.
We have surpassed our target in terms of tracing contacts, which have helped examine the level of participants, especially at Rural areas, “he said.

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