B’luru: 5 African women who are too high escape from rehabilitation – News2IN

B’luru: 5 African women who are too high escape from rehabilitation

B'luru: 5 African women who are too high escape from rehabilitation
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: Five women from African countries, were detained because they surpassed their visa and took place at the Rehabilitation House from MH Marigowda Road, fled after reducing compound wall of facilities on Tuesday, while a sixth woman could not make her broken her right ankle during her efforts.
The injured Congolese national has shifted to the hospital.
Police Siddapura had ordered six women under Section 14 (penalty to enter a limited area) from foreign laws.
On August 4, the police traveled against foreign national.
While 20 of African countries were held during the attack, 13 women among them were transferred to the reception center of Yashodaramma Dasappa late.
Women have access to a back page: Probel Pa Yashodaramma Center for admission, women’s rehabilitation house, run by a female and child welfare department.
Introduction Probe said the women were placed in a room that was not locked.
They have access to the backyard, which is tied by 8ft compound walls.
The top of the wall has an 18-inch fence.
Bordering the wall is the road in the Siddapura area.
Six women scale walls in the backyard around 2:30 a.m.
and jump on the road.
“They were given a large metal cabinet about 10 feet to look after their belongings.
The women carry cabinets from their rooms to the backyard.
Set it to the wall, they reach the top of a compound wall.
They carry a broken drainage pipe with them while climbing and using it for Level the fence, “said a source.
While five women landed safely, Congo’s right ankle was broken on the leap.
“He began screaming in pain.
Rehabilitation home staff, who fell asleep inside, came out,” said the source.
Two women are constantly used for security.
According to the guidelines, they cannot enter the center; They sit on the front.
“The scream helped the staff and the police found it.
He shifted to Bowing Hospital and information was passed on to others,” said the source.
CCTV footage from the surrounding area shows five women walking towards Siddapura and riding unknown vehicles.

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