B’luru tends to see the night shower for the next 5 days – News2IN

B’luru tends to see the night shower for the next 5 days

B'luru tends to see the night shower for the next 5 days
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: The city will receive moderate rain for five days, the weather department said on Thursday.
According to the Indian Meteorology Department (IMD), Bengaluru saw 33% of rainfall deficits in August.
Observatory recorded 98mm rainfall against an average of 147mm for that month.
According to the estimated city of Bengaluru, a cloudy sky, rain and the goal is very possible.
The maximum and minimum temperature predicted around 28 and 20 degrees Celsius, respectively.
It is expected to continue for 4-5 days.
“The low pressure system was not formed at Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, causing a weak monsoon in August.
The last week of August sees good rainfall in the city,” said CS Patil, Director, IMD, Bengaluru.
Rain is more likely in the city during the afternoon and night of Karnataka.

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