B’luru: Traders excited about the new appearance of Comm Street – News2IN

B’luru: Traders excited about the new appearance of Comm Street

B'luru: Traders excited about the new appearance of Comm Street
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: After losing some of the peak business seasons, traders on the commercial road now see Sinar Harapan.
Reason: The work of rebuilding the road carried out by Bengaluru Smart City Limited (BensCl) was almost completed after almost two years.
With the road all sets for formally disposed of in the coming week, business companies are optimistic to see the number of shopper in the coming months.
“Apart from the City City project to be one of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, civilian authorities took a long time to complete the 550metre stretch, working where it began in May 20 and should be more than 90 days.
But it’s good that it finally ends now,” The owner of the clothing store on the road told Stoi.
Mayak R, Secretary of the Bangalore Commercial Association, said, “We have struggled for almost two years, not only with civil work but also a pandemic.
Business on commercial roads is influenced by the big margin.
Our traders now leave everything behind us like business expectations will take after how it turns out .
Working like dust placement and waste connections to the building will be completed on Monday, said Cholan.
“Weekend clock will give us time to clean the road a little before our buyer see the version changed for the first time,” added Maya.
Traders show that they understand the challenges of the basic level of BensCl faced during the entire length of this project because the road is always busy.
“Initially, we were told that they would finish work in 90 days, but only when they explore whether they understand the problems related to land or utilities.
So the delay is largely caused by operational or technical challenges; it has never been a problem voluntarily delaying Project, “said Sanjay Motwani, President, Bangalore Commercial Association.
Traders said they couldn’t wait for residents to walk to the commercial road and see how beautiful reservations.
“For a very long time, the buyer found it difficult to walk on a commercial road.
While the sidewalk work was being carried out, they had to enter shops through plywood boards.
The completion of work not only brings a sense of relief for traders but also often visitors,” said Anand Dice, a member of the Bangalore Commercial Association.
Benscl said it had discussed the problem of stormwater drain, which caused water to move in July.
Furthermore Sanjay said, “Although some of the obstacles of traders and projects have faced, we are happy with how the path is visible.
We have led the street lights on both sides of the road and are spacious and even the sidewalk for buyers.
This revamp is something needed by commercial roads because There is no civil work done here in 75 years or more.
“Cholan said,” The contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of the road for the next five years, after it will be handed over to BBMP for maintenance.
” In the delay in completing the project, he said, “there was a delay from the tip of Benscl because of several challenges at the ground.
There were nearly 750 properties and we had to understand the connection to each.
For example, the connection waste in some places no and in some places in The back of the building.
“Benscl also worked at the parking facility behind the commercial road police station, which might accommodate 50 to 100 cars.
Traffic will be permitted on the road from Monday.

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