CHD: 130 times up in the case of Covid active in 18 days – News2IN

CHD: 130 times up in the case of Covid active in 18 days

CHD: 130 times up in the case of Covid active in 18 days
Written by news2in

Mohali: The district witnessed 130 times the increase in the number of active Covid cases in the last 18 days.
Active cases have increased from 64 to 8,317 and the level of prospective has jumped from 1.6% to 22.68% in that period.
According to data provided by the Integrated Disease Supervision Program (IDSP), there were 18 Covid victims in Mohali in January, with an average of one death per day.
Deputy Commissioner Isha Kalia said Mohali had seen the maximum increase in a positive case of Covid because of the third wave.
He said, “We have advised people to vaccinate to be safe and refrain from coming out in public places.
Wearing masks is the best precautions.” The civilian surgeon Dr.
Adarshpal Kaur said on January 1, the total active case was 64 and in just 18 days they rose to 8,317.
The total positive case is 69,135, which has seen the addition of 12,286, at an average of 682 positive cases every day, to reach 81,421 on January 18.
“On January 1, the total death is 1,092 which now touches 1,092,” he added.
In the district, 7,72,474 samples were carried out, where 6.54,763 was tested negatively and the results of 20,490 were waiting for.

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