Class XII students in Assam can return to school at 6 Sep – News2IN

Class XII students in Assam can return to school at 6 Sep

Class XII students in Assam can return to school at 6 Sep
Written by news2in

Guwahati: New SOP published by the State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) on Wednesday has given school breeding for class XII class XII, students last year post-graduation from September 6.
Before the reopening of the school, vaccination for students and teachers will be held for three days this week.
While single-dose vaccination has been mandatory for students and teachers, those who are under 18 years in class XII have been relaxed because there are no vaccines for them.
In addition, all of the entry pessengers, who have been vaccinated with two doses of Covid-19 vaccine and have the certificate, will be released from mandatory testing on arrival at the airport, train stations and road points.
Passengers are vaccinated with a single dose or do not have vaccinations and those who are symptomatic, even with two doses of vaccination, must undergo RT-PCR testing mandatory at their own expense on arrival.
In Assam, subsidized tariffs from the RS 250 test per RT-PCR will be charged.
“Head of educational institutions must prepare a list of teachers, non-teaching staff, employees and students, who have to be vaccinated and three days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week has been reserved for their inoculation,” The health of the state of the Minister of Keshab Mahanta said.
Physical classes for GNM (general nursing and midwifery), nursing courses and technical institutions will also be allowed to start with at least one vaccinated pupil dose, teachers and support staff, read SOP.
Thirty is the maximum number of students to be permitted in the classroom and they will be divided into several parts to maintain the Covid protocol.

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