Cubbon Park Granite Road Line avoided – News2IN

Cubbon Park Granite Road Line avoided

Cubbon Park Granite Road Line avoided
Written by news2in

The slick and smooth granite lane placed by Bengaluru Smart City Limited in Cubbon Park is slippery and pedestrians are afraid to use it for fear of taking a throw
Pedestrians in the morning in Cubbon Park thought they got a new pedestrian street.
But they seem to get a skating road instead, thanks to Bengaluru Smart City Ltd (BSCL) which is currently developing a road in the core area of ​​the city.
The granite path is smooth and slippery looks like it’s made for moonwalking than just walking in the morning.
On the rain, you might want to step very carefully, or live at home, they say.
Rakesh, a runner at Cubbon Park said that he had become commonplace in the park for 11 years and two days back when he tried to run on the road he had just been placed, he couldn’t be so slippery.
He said, “BSCL has used granite which makes it very slippery and dangerous to walk.
When I tried jogging, I lost the balance because it was very slippery.
Granite is not safe even if it is dry.
If someone tries to run it with obsolete soles, he can lose balance and Fall.
People will start walking on the road and no one will use it.
They should not make changes to this path but leave it like that.
Before doing city smart work, they should consult with residents.

The use of granite is not a good choice and two days back when I try to walk, I have to fight because it’s slippery.
So I decided to walk on the road.
They should be considered using the Cobble Block, Non-Sunitha, a member of We Love Cubbon Park

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Sunitha, a member of We Love Cubbon Park said that granite is not necessary.
“City City project should consult with residents first before starting the project.
What is the point of asking for our opinion after the road is made? The use of granite is not a good choice and two days back when I try to walk, I have to fight because it’s slippery.
So I decided to walk On the road.
They should consider using Cobble blocks, not very expensive granite.
Cobble blocks or clay paths will be much better and cheaper too.
Granite is not needed and it is a waste of money, “said Sunitha Kumar.
Umesh Kumar, the President of the Kubbon Park pedestrian association said that pedestrians were not happy with the work of the smart city that was being carried out in the park.
He said, “They are wasting money for unnecessary things and the whole idea is to make it pedestrian friendly.
But now, pedestrians may not want to use it again.
We have clearly notified them not to use cement because we want rainwater absorbed by land.
But our advice is not considered.
They have put a large granite slab with filling cement and it makes stagnant water on the road, making it more slippery.
Many parents visit the park and they can’t walk on this road.
The road doesn’t look wheelchair friendly.
It’s dangerous for children too and they can fall and get seriously injured.

Reacting against Pedestrian Park who was not happy, Murlidhar, BSCL Executive Engineer said, “The plan was re-approved and the authorities had consulted citizens before advancing with the project.
The work is still ongoing and the last touch has not been done.
We will do the work that is on granite To make it a little rough so it’s not slippery for pedestrians.

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