Dengue Panchkula Case in October 4 Year Break – News2IN

Dengue Panchkula Case in October 4 Year Break

Dengue Panchkula Case in October 4 Year Break
Written by news2in

Panchkula: The case of dengue fever has touched a four-year high in October, with 491 and deaths reported that month, out of a total of 606 counts so far.
In 2017, 193 cases were reported, 143 in 2018, 33 in 2019 and 78 in 2020 medical officer Dr.
Mukta Kumar said cases of dengue fever began to come from August after the rainy season and 11 cases were reported on the month.
The Ministry of Health has increased the number of beds in public hospitals, sector 6, and established 28 teams and increased fogging in areas affected as well.
All of this did not prevent 81 cases from appearing in September.
Kumar said the field team while working in the field had issued a notice to 1,980 houses after the larvae were found in their homes.
In addition, Gambusia fish have been released at 110 ponds identified by the team.
“Every day, 10 teams in urban areas and 28 in rural areas spray anti-larval sprays,” CMO said.
“We appeal to residents not to let water stand in the area around their house, empty all containers, use the net while sleeping and wearing full sleeves,” CMO said.
1 death in Mohali; 30 new cases in the city: a 65-year-old woman from Jarnail Enclave, Zirakpur, died of dengue fever on Tuesday, raising the victim to 32.
The district reported 75 new cases, pushed a count to 2,783.
In October, Mohali witnessed 29 deaths and two in September.
Derabassies, Zirakpur, Lalru, Banur, Mohali, Kharar, Kurnli and Bootgarh have been identified as high-risk areas.
On the other hand, Chandigarh reported 30 new cases, spilling counting to 953.

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