GMC showcauses 71 contractors – News2IN

GMC showcauses 71 contractors

GMC showcauses 71 contractors
Written by news2in

GUWAHATI: A total of 71 contractors have been served showcause notices by the Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) for carrying out the de-siltation and cleaning of five drain channels and 575 drains in the city at a snail’s pace.
GMC commissioner Devasish Sharma stated, “As reported by divisional engineers, approximately 25-30% of the tasks have been completed so far.
It is impossible for the contractors to complete the work within the stipulated time.
As monsoon has already hit the state, this will adversely endanger public life and property.” The contractors have been asked in show-cause notice as to why their contract agreements should not be terminated within three days.
The commissioner, who has recently taken charge, has faced uphill task in completing the assignments before the monsoon gains momentum.
The de-siltation work could not be started earlier because of the assembly election and the enforcement of the model of conduct.
GMC usually starts the de-siltation work in February but this year it started on May 3, after the model code of conduct was withdrawn.
However, the commissioner is hopeful that they would be able to achieve their target soon.
A task force has been constituted under the chairmanship of the commissioner and secretary of the Guwahati development department and people are working in three shifts to expedite the work.

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