Graze livestock – News2IN

Graze livestock

Graze livestock
Written by news2in

Bright colors bloom along Bengaluru paths on your morning walks – indeed parties for the eyes.
Until the cows came home.
On the infantry road, such a green patch was maintained as part of Bengaluru Smart City Limited (BSCL) recently became a party for four-legged animals.
It was quite entertaining for this reporter to watch puppies in troughs along the paths that were eaten by livestock.
On Tuesday afternoon, three cows shamelessly grazed on a tree in front of the police commissioner’s office.
The security guards at the nearest private buildings and traffic police personnel at the Commissioners were reduced to a mute audience as livestock chewing ficus puppies among other plants.
Not long ago, Infantry Road was known for traffic congestion.
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The path is not pedestrian friendly.
To make interesting and pedestrian trails, BSCL contractors have planted expensive young trees in the trough.
But, there is no size taken to protect puppies from livestock attacks.
The population and activists blamed the BSCL engineers because they did not take him into self-confidence while deciding to plant worship along the path not only on the infantry road but also another way.
They said the tillers were considered Sarkari when they were planted by the government.
“BSCL has never bother facilitating the participation and involvement of citizens in development work.
If BSCL carries a building owner or tenant above the confidence, residents will take responsibility for maintaining plants, ” Priya Chetty Rajagopal Animal Rights Activists.
Rajagopal felt it was the responsibility of the owner to feed Bovines: “The owner should not let their cows wander the road.
I want BSCL to provide preferences to local puppies instead of expensive ficus puppies.”
Emphasizing the need for expert advice available while deciding what puppies will be planted, Sindhu, residents of Benson Town, said the BBMP was waste taxpayers by planting the wrong wings.
“We cannot blame the cow to eat anus.
We must blame the owner of livestock.
Why does BBMP allow BSCL contractors to plant ficus and other ornamental plants that love livestock,” asks Sindhu.
He suggested growing thick or barbed bushes instead of expensive ficus.
“Thorny and barbed castles are safe from livestock and prevent people from picking interest,” he said, adding that the roots of Ficus can damage the path.
When informed, Chand Gowda, the Agency Project Manager, said that he would make arrangements from preventing cattle from damaging the puppies now.
“We have planted Sayus approved by the BBMP Horticulture Department,” Gowda said.
Meanwhile, the Special Commissioner of the BBMP for Plantation, Horticulture, Storm Water Channels, and Lake, B Reddy Shankar Babu, said that forests and the Horticulture Department of the BBMP supplied BSCL.
“The BSCL contractor has instilled puppies.
I will take steps to save puppies on the infantry road,” said Babu.

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