Haryana: Twin baby girls dropped by family – News2IN

Haryana: Twin baby girls dropped by family

YAMUNANAGAR: The police on Monday night recovered an 8-days-old baby girl who was dropped by her family for having congenital deformity in her lower limbs, at a park inside civil hospital Jagadhri in Yamunanagar district.
On receiving the information from the on-duty security guard at the hospital that someone has dropped an infant baby at the hospital park, the police reached the spot and took the girl in their possession.
On the complaint of Nikhil, the security guard, police registered a case against unknown persons under Section 315 (act done with intent to prevent child being born alive or to cause it to die after birth) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at Jagadhri police station on Tuesday.
In his complaint, Nikhil told to the police that he was on-duty at civil hospital, Jagadhri from 7 pm to 7 am when some women came and told him that an infant child is crying inside the park and there is nobody near him to take care.
“I went to the spot and saw that the infant was a baby girl who was covered in a cloth.
Underneath her was a plastic cover of a private hospital.
I picked the girl and took her to the civil hospital for treatment.
The girl was handed over to the nurse at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at Jagadhri hospital.
The girl had defect in her both the feets.
Some unknown person dropped the girl at the hospital”, said Nikhil in his complaint.
Jagadhri City police station house officer (SHO) inspector Suresh Sharma said, “The family of the 8-day-old girl belongs to a village of Ambala district.
We traced the family from the private hospital plastic cover which was found underneath her at the Jagadhri hospital park.
We enquired from the concerned hospital and got the details about the family.
A woman had given birth to twin girls at the concerned hospital.
One of the girl’s body is fine while the other had some deformity by birth in her feet.
The in-laws of the woman thought that how would they foster and raise this child and dropped the girl at the hospital and kept the one which is fine.” “The girl’s mother was married to a man who died some years ago and they had a girl (8).
After the death of the woman’s husband, she was married to her younger brother-in-law who is mentally ill.
From the second husband, the woman gave birth to twin sisters.
The family confessed that they made a mistake and asked for the girl’s custody.
But as a case was registered, so, we have to follow the due procedure.
The decision on the girl’s custody will be now taken by the district administration constituted committee”, said SHO Jagadhri City.
“We have taken written statements from the accused family and further decision will be taken as per the instructions of the district administration”, said SHO Jagadhri City.
Yamunanagar civil surgeon Dr Vijay Dahiya said, “The baby girl is fine and healthy, she is undergoing treatment at a care centre in civil hospital Jagadhri.
The girl has a congenital deformity in her lower limbs which treated initially by manual manipulation and later by repeated plastering.”

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