Himachal Records 3.148 + VE Case, 7 Death – News2IN

Himachal Records 3.148 + VE Case, 7 Death

Himachal Records 3.148 + VE Case, 7 Death
Written by news2in

Shimla: Himachal Pradesh reported 7 Covid-19 deaths and 3148 positive cases on Wednesday while 1861 positive patients had also recovered.
Maximum 2 deaths have been reported from Chamba Regency while one death has been reported from Hamirpur Regency, Kangra, Shimla, Solan and Una.
The country has a total of 252042 positive cases confirmed from which 14918 active cases, 233188 patients have recovered while 3892 patients have died.
The maximum positive case has been reported from Hamirpur, Kangra, bathing, Shimla, Sirmaur, Solan and Una Districts.
So far a total of 4205887 people have been tested for Covid-19 to 3952812 people have been tested negatively.
From 7pm on Tuesday, a total of 15210 samples were tested in the state while the results of 1033 were awaited.
Positive cases reported covering 183 of the Bilalaspur District, 70 from Chamba Regency, 226 from Hamirpur Regency, 497 from Kangra Regency, 122 of Kinnaur Regency, 118 of Kullu Regency, 2 of Lahaul-Spiti Regency, 361 from Bath Regency, 421 From Shimla, 240 of the Sirmaur District, 650 of the Solan District and 258 of the Una District.
Those who have recovered include 88 of the Bilalaspur District, 53 of the district of Chamba, 203 of Hamirpur Regency, 314 of Kangra District, 36 of Kinnaur Regency, 90 of Kullu Regency, 5 of Lahaul-Spiti Regency, 165 from Bath Regency, 282 from Shimla Regency , 31 of the Sirmaur District, 434 from Solan Regency and 160 of the Una District.
Bilalaspur District has 842 active cases, Chamba Regency has 450 active cases, Hamirpur Regency has 948 active cases, Kangra Regency has 2444 active cases, Kinnaur Regency has 255 active cases, Kullu Regency has 573 active cases, Lahaul-Spiti Regency has 35 active cases .
, Bathing District has 1653 active cases, Shimla Regency has 2348 active cases, the Sirmail district has 1586 active cases, Solan Regency has 2340 active cases and the Una district has 1444 active cases.

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