Int’l Youth Day: Warriors Get a Sports Kit – News2IN

Int’l Youth Day: Warriors Get a Sports Kit

Int'l Youth Day: Warriors Get a Sports Kit
Written by news2in

Chandigarh: On the occasion of the ‘international youth day’, Chairman of the Minister of Punjab Amarinder Singh on Thursday launched a distribution of sports kits to Corona Rural and urban volunteers who provided their services to support the state struggle for the state of the second wave of pandemic.
In the symbolic launch, he himself distributed a sports kit to 10 volunteers from his official residence.
Interacting with youth, Amarinder appreciated their efforts in creating awareness among residents about the significance of the health protocol and vaccination to examine the spread of correnavirus further.
Deplighted the loss of nearly 16,000 lives because Covid in Punjab, he said that the victim could be higher, not because of the active participation of young people, especially during the second wave, in squirrying people to go direct treatment, and then convince them to be vaccinated.
He urged the volunteers to continue their campaign to educate people considering the third wave that will come considering Spurt in some cases and in countries such as the US.
Minister of Sports and Youth Minister of Rana Gurmitant Singh Sodhi asked the minister of head to lead the Mega Youth Conference, which was expected to be held in September-October when the Covid situation was increasing, to motivate young people to channel their energy constructively.
The marathon with the participation of more than 1.5 lakh youth is also planned, given the very encouraging response from the previous marathon participating by almost 1 lakh youth in March 2019, he added.

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