Jatharar is looking for strict action against anyone who promotes Hindu-Sikh hostility – News2IN

Jatharar is looking for strict action against anyone who promotes Hindu-Sikh hostility

Written by news2in

Kurukshetra: Taking a notification of complaints submitted by Haryana Sikh Parivar (HSP), Jathedar Acting Takthand Giani Harpreet Singh has asked the Haryana Government to maintain “organizations called Dev Sena and people like Guni Parkash in control” and demand strict action against them to promote hostility between Hindu communities and Sikh.
Speaking with the media in Amritsar, Giani Harpreet Singh on Monday said, “In the past recently, a convention was held by farmers in Kurukshetra, Haryana, where, Sikh also participated in large quantities.
Some naughty elements while wearing ‘gatras ‘(The belt used to bring Kirpan) (and Kircans) tried to disrupt the event there.
At that time, youth Sikh Haryana arrested the naughty elements, but the government or the Haryana government did not take action against them.
It resulted in that elements of the elements filed a complaint against the Sikh (with Kurukshetra SP to loot cash and Kirpans).
“” Second, by releasing videos, they (elements) threaten that they will reach Kurukshetra again while wearing Gatras (Kircans) on August 21.
Dev Sena’s organization This is called this naughty actions.
The Haryana Government must maintain togetherness (organization) this controls because it interferes with the environment (peace ) Haryana and also hurt Sikh sentiment, “said Giani Harpreet Singh.
Jathedar’s acting said Dev Sena had worked to create cracks between Hindu and Sikh communities and try to solve mutual sense of understanding between them.
He asked the Haryana government to “control this organization (Dev Sena) and punish the culprit by registering a case against them.
In terms, if there is an unwanted incident occurred in Kurukshetra (on August 21), then his responsibility will only be on the government and Administration Haryana.
These elements will not be allowed to succeed and they will be stopped from doing their mischief.
Their motif is to hurt Sikh sentiment by doing mischief and teasing Sikh.
“Talking about a statement to reduce by BKU (Mann) President of the State Haryana Guni Parkash against Gurnam Singh Charuni, Jathedar’s acting said, “Someone (guni) Thank you to Turban and Kes (Hair) Gurnam Singh Charuni.
That person said these words not only for Charuni, but the entire community of Sikh.
The Haryana Government must take action Strict against him (guni) and his cottage in prison.
“Jathedar said that type This incident hurts Sikh sentiment and this cannot be tolerated at any cost.
He said it was a planned conspiracy to hurt Sikh sentiment and disturb the harmony between Hindus and Sikh in Haryana who lived together long.

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