K’Taka: Post Covid, Diabetes is seen at the age of 30-40 years – News2IN

K’Taka: Post Covid, Diabetes is seen at the age of 30-40 years

K'Taka: Post Covid, Diabetes is seen at the age of 30-40 years
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: The doctor at the City Hospital has found trends of people in the age group of 30-40, all of which have recovered from Covid-19, looking for treatment in diabetes.
While some experienced extreme fatigue, others suffered problems, only to know later that they had lived with diabetes that were not diagnosed.
“Compared to the pre-pandemic era, the number of young people who seek treatment for diabetes has increased by 5-10% now.
They all recover from Covid.
We don’t know whether Covid himself has become a contributing factor.
Viruses seem to have affected beta cells in the pancreas What produces insulin.
In some cases, using steroids too often during treatment can also cause diabetes, “Dwa Dwarakanath Cs, endocrine experts.
He added that in many cases, the person would experience existing diabetes, but only diagnosed after positive testing for Covid.
In accordance with the health of the State and the Department of Family Welfare, the majority of Covid’s load is seen among young people in the age group 30-39.
More than 6.8 Covid lakh patients in Karnataka are in this bracket.
The doctor at Apollo Hospital has taken a study to understand how many patients suffer from Diabetes Post Covid.
“The status of diabetes among the people who restored Covid is being studied.
In five cases I meet, diabetes pay attention to Covid posts.
They come to us when they suffer from eye infections or develop blood clots in the retinal vein.
This is a post-covid sequelee We see now, “said Dr.
Shalini Shetty, a senior doctor doctor consultant, Apollo Hospitals.
While all five cases of problems related to eyes were seen in those who were restored under 40, one of them was a woman, said Dr.
A senior doctor from the Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute said Covid damaged blood sugar levels among many patients and had caused insulin dependence on several.
“Pandemics are still on and we don’t know whether diabetes appears after Covid can be reversed with drugs,” said the doctor, refraining from commenting on the exact percentage of new diabetes cases.
“It is difficult to measure the increase in diabetes, except for a study conducted locally,” said the professor.
Covid can directly cause diabetes or settle for someone with risk factors, by causing income or inflammation of endocrine tissue in the pancreas that regulate glucose levels, and therefore leads to increased sugar levels, the doctor said.
Pallavi D Rao, endocrinologist, a specialist hospital, said one of the first questions he asked his patient was if they were infected with Covid before.
“The question is relevant because drugs must be adjusted differently for those who have post-covid recovery.
We do not know how the pandemic will run, but Covid has caused the risk of substantial diabetes,” said Dr.
Apart from the pandemic, diabetes increased every decade, said Dr.
Swathi Sachin Jadhav, endocrine expert from Sagar Hospitals.
He said in some cases, people who did not have diabetes before Covid, had seen the onset.
“We tested the last three-month sugar levels from Covid patients when they showed high sugar levels.
In some patients, there was no history of high sugar levels before the infection and the onset of diabetes occurred during Covid.
However, there are several questions that have not been answered about the onset of diabetes post.
Covid, “said Dr.
According to Dr.
Manohar KN, Secretary, the research community to study diabetes in India, Karnataka, although there must be an increase in cases of diabetes because Covid which leads to insulitis, weight gain caused by locking can also cause conditions.
“It will be too early to measure an increase in diabetes cases,” he said.

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