Lake Bommanakatte Drawing Birds Migrating In Droves – News2IN

Lake Bommanakatte Drawing Birds Migrating In Droves

Written by news2in

Haveri: This is the time of the year when Lake Magadi in the Gadag district usually resonates with the chirping of migration birds gathering to the lake.
However, this year, birds seem to have been transferred to Lake Irani Bommanakatte in Ranebennur in the Haveri district.
While a large group of barheads now nesting in lakes in Ranebennur, other birds, although in smaller amounts, which have flown to Lake Bommanakatte including Pratincole, Duck Brahmin, black ibis and painted storks.
With lakes echoing with the cry of various birds, locals flock to drink in front of hairy visitors.
Lake, which is managed and managed by wild wings from the forest department, and spread across 11 hectares, and framed by Hills Verdant in the middle located.
Excessive rainfall in Ranebennur in 2021 has left the lake full of water, ensuring that migration birds have enough food and water.
The bar-headed geese had visited the lake for the past three years, while the remaining bird species were mostly on their first visit to Bommanakatte.
The barale goose stands out even between various birds on the lake, with gray.
Feather and white crown are grasped by two black bars.
The bar-headed geese flew to India from Mongolia, soaring in the Himalayas to achieve their goals.
Whether Birdwatcher Praveen Pujar said that the temperature of the nosur in Mongolia during the winter months, encouraged birds to seek shelter in a warmer climate.
“These birds visit Karnataka between November and December, and nest here for three or four months before returning to Mongolia.
The bar-headed goose is naturally equipped to fly across the Himalayan, using a jet stream.
These birds are now attracting bird bodyguards from All Haveri, “said Pujar.Ravindra K which was vibrant, the Range Forest Officer in the wildlife wing of the Ministry of Forestry, said that the over-the-district rainfall had received over the past three years has caused lakes and lakes and ponds in Haveri full of water.
“As a result, there is a lot of food for birds, which flock to the lake in the district.
Lake Bommanakatte now has more than 300 bird migration, which has turned it into a local attraction,” he said.

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