Mizoram promises driver safety and passengers – News2IN

Mizoram promises driver safety and passengers

Written by news2in

Guwahati: Secretary of the Mizoram Vanlalngaihsaka house has sent a wireless telephone message (WT) to Mitra Assam to facilitate the movement of vehicles stranded to Mizoram and have ensured the security of the driver, passenger, and vehicle in the state.
Cachar District Authority said there was no economic blockade on NH 306 as claimed by Mizoram.
In fact, hundreds of truck drivers, who had parked their vehicles in Cachar District, refused to advance to Mizoram for fear of being attacked.
Many of them say when six policemen can be shot down in the daylight with other countries, there is no guarantee for their lives and vehicles.
Since the flare-up on the border of Assam-Mizoram on July 26 where the six Assam personnel were shot down and several others were injured by Mizoram police, there was no movement in the NH 306, which was the lifeline of the state of Hill.
The next day after the incident, the local cachar district spontaneously blocked the national highway as a sign of protest and preventing traffic movement to Mizoram.
But this blockade ends after 24 hours.
But no one traveled on the highway to Mizoram when the situation on the border remained tense.
On July 29, the Assam government issued an advisor to the people of traveling to neighboring countries and asked those who worked in Mizoram to “be careful.” Assam Commissioner of Home and Politics and Secretary MS Manivannan, in travel advisors, stated that Mizo civil society, and certain Mizo youth organizations issued a provocative statement against Assam and his people.

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