More than 1,700 Myanmar refugees flood Mizoram – News2IN

More than 1,700 Myanmar refugees flood Mizoram

Written by news2in

Aizawl: Nearly 1,700 refugees from Myanmar have entered and took refuge in Mizoram after the attack in the Myanmar Army camp in Lungler Village by armed civilians called Chinland Defense Force (CDF), guided by cadres of the National Army (CNA), which contrary to the village.
In Hnahthia District Mizoram was early on Friday morning.
While several refugees were enforced on Friday, the arrest of Myanmar’s military camp on Saturday night with CDF / CNA triggered more influx of refugees who were afraid of retaliation from the Myanmar army under the command of the Military Council by using a combat plane again.
Village Board President (VCP) from Halsai Village P.c.
Remankunga said on Monday that more than 723 refugees had arrived after an imprisonment conflict in the village of Friend until Sunday night.
“Refugees amounted to 255 (115 men and 140 women) which included 126 children and babies entered a great village on Sunday alone by crossing the Border River Mizoram-Myanmar Tiau by the steel suspension bridge between the village of Bunghua (Myanmar),” Remanmar said ).
He predicted that more refugees tended to enter the village for the next few days.
Refugees were submitted in three buildings established for the proposed hicong border while many of them had to be satisfied with emergency huts established with wood and bamboo, he said.

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