New vax registration application Karnataka is delayed – News2IN

New vax registration application Karnataka is delayed

New vax registration application Karnataka is delayed
Written by news2in

Mysuru: Plans for the State Health Department to launch the Co-Win application that is adjusted to the Pilot base in Mysore City on Monday was postponed.
This application is to provide special features of carnataka, but users are disappointed because the application is not available on the Google Play Store.
Officials do not say why the application is not available.
The website also does not have the option to choose a vaccination center or date of choice.
Only the pinsode-based allotment facilities are provided.
The new interface of the application is developed with the aim of helping people choose the vaccination center of their choice.
This will help design drive vaccination based on the requirements and availability of doses.
“In most vaccine centers in the city today, there is no slot for vaccinations.
I have planned to download the application and secure the slot.
However, this application is not available on the Google Play Store,” said Kiran Raj, a resident.
The user said the website experience was also bad.
“This is similar to the existing Co-Win website.
The only advantage is ordering an automatic slot,” said Raj.
MS Jayant, District Vaccination Officer, confirm this application is not yet available for users.
“We were told that the application will be available from Thursday.
There is no registration because this application is not available today,” he said.
The Health Office authority said the purpose of the pilot was to identify and study interface problems and to improve them before releasing throughout the state.

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