Non-Availability of EVM technicians can delay the Assam Civic poll – News2IN

Non-Availability of EVM technicians can delay the Assam Civic poll

Written by news2in

Guwahati: Polling Assembly in Uttar Pradesh and other countries can delay city selection in Assam which was previously planned to be held in February.
Even when Assam will get a longer version of “M2” EVMS for city polls from Bihar “with loans”, non-availability of technicians to examine this voter machine as a whole can encourage city polls to be a parade.
“The EVMS used in the Bihar Pancayat poll will be used in the next urban poll in Assam.
This is being transported from Bihar.
However, technicians and engineers who will examine this before use in Assam will be busy and the election of other countries is scheduled in February -Maret.
So, there may be a shortage of labor to do urban polls smoothly in February, “a source in the General Election Commission Assam told TI on Thursday.
He said it was especially logistical problems that could delay the city polls.
“We are very confident that the Covid situation will begin to improve from February,” the official added.
Good technical conditions from EVMS will be very important because the voting machine will be used in the local body selection for the first time in Assam this year.
The official said even though it was still uncertain to what extent the third wave Covid-19 could extend, preparation was in full swing to conduct urban polls in the state with this financial year, which ended on March 31.
EVMS used assembly polls are “M3” and not the same as Panchayat or city selection.
“The EVMS stock that will be used in Assam Urban polls is mostly lying in Bihar.
Scheduling polls can vary in several weeks, especially depending on the availability of technicians,” the official said.
Pancrayat polls at Assam are also planned in December next year and here too, EVM will be used.
Secretary of the Prospective State Election Commission Gogoi said 4,100 EVMS would be brought from Bihar for City polls to be held for 81 urban local agencies in the state.

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