None of my ministers who knew Hindi, appointed the secretary’s head with Mizo Language: Zoramthanga urged Amit Shah – News2IN

None of my ministers who knew Hindi, appointed the secretary’s head with Mizo Language: Zoramthanga urged Amit Shah

None of my ministers who knew Hindi, appointed the secretary's head with Mizo Language: Zoramthanga urged Amit Shah
Written by news2in

Guwahati: After Miha appoints the Secretary of the Head of Mizoram in the example “never before”, Minister of Zoramthanga’s Minister has written to Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah urged him to modify orders and appoint other people who have “work knowledge of Mizo” as no of his minister and Most of Mizos did not understand Hindi.
On October 28, Mha shifted Sharma’s Renu from Agmut cadres from New Delhi to the State to take over as the main secretary from November 1 and even as the state government, the same day, named additional CS JC Ramthanga to the top of the bureaucracy.
Leaving the country with two major secretaries.
“After retiring the head of my secretary Lalnunmawia Chuaigo from Gujarat cadres, I asked my first market today, JC Ramthanga to become the next principal secretary.
However, the Ministry of the House has posted a Ny.
Renu Sharma as the Secretary of the New Head,” Zoramthanga wrote in the letter to the letter to Shah on October 29.
“Mizo people, in general, don’t understand Hindi and there are no ministers of my cabinet who understand Hindi.
Some of them even have problems with English.
With such a background, a secretary of the head without knowledge The standard Mizo language that functions will never be an effective and efficient major secretary, “the ministerial chief.
The Head of the Minister of MNF, who is a member of the NDA Constituent, showed Shah in his letter, “Because of this fact, the Indian government has never posted the main secretary who does not know the work standards of Mizo since the creation of the Mizoram State.
Whether the government is upa or the government at the center, It has been a practice since the creation of the country of Mizoram.
This is a well-known fact that in other countries in India, a major secretary, who does not know even basic work language of their respective countries, has never been posted at all.
“He also reminded Shah in his letter that he has become a “faithful partner from NDA from the beginning” and added that his request for modification commands pointing to Sharma because CS will be replied to a positive record.
“I am the only one of the Northeast countries that have become a loyal partner from NDA from the beginning to date.
I, therefore, believe that I deserve special assistance and consideration for this loyal friendship with Nda.
Considering all the facts and circumstances, a proposal the Chief Secretary, who was given even to the Minister Congressional My predecessor, if it Declined to me, the Congress and all other opposition parties would make a mockery of me as faithfully served partnership NDA.
Therefore I really -Ins ask you to modify the order and kindly accept my proposal, “Zoramthanga wrote.

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