Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Friday imposes fresh restrictions amid managing Covid-19.
Now only those who are fully vaccinated or covid recovered or with a negative RT-PCR report from the last 72 hours must be allowed to enter Punjab.
For those who do not have it, a quick antigen test will be mandatory.
The government has also limited meetings to 400 indoors and 600 outdoor people, depending on the upper limit of 50% of capacity.
Artists or musicians must be allowed on such functions with the Covid protocol.
The organizers must ensure that the staff present are fully vaccinated or have at least one vaccine dose no more than four weeks ago.
These norms must be in all crowded meetings, including demonstrations and political meetings.
All bars, cinema rooms, restaurants, spas, swimming pools, training centers, fitness centers, malls, museums, and zoos must be operated on 2/3 of their capacity with all staff present fully vaccinated or have at least one dose vaccine of more than four last week.
All users of swimming and gym facilities will be people over the age of 18 who have taken at least one dose of vaccine.
Schools, including their playground, will remain open but only allow them to teach and staff non-teaching to continue the tasks that are fully vaccinated or have at least one vaccine dose more than four weeks ago.
Those who have comorbidity must be allowed after being fully vaccinated.
As a precaution, school staff must be tested regularly in cases where they have been given a single vaccine dose.
Online learning options must be available for students.
Tehsils or blocks where participants above 0.2% must close the primary class 4 and below until the situation increases.
College, coaching center and all other high-learning institutions will remain open with all obligatory precautions for schools, including online learning options for students.
Teaching staff and non-teaching here must be prioritized for vaccinations with special camps so that all are covered with the first dose this month.
That which is caused by the second dose must also be prioritized.
Parents of school children must be encouraged to get vaccinations.