PJK: Daily testing drops from 4,000 in May to 1,600 – News2IN

PJK: Daily testing drops from 4,000 in May to 1,600

PJK: Daily testing drops from 4,000 in May to 1,600
Written by news2in

Chandigarh; The city was lagged behind 1.126 Covid-19 tests per million per day compared to the national average of 1,397, a poor way to plan the management of the next infection, according to public health experts.
“Test samples are mainly from hospitals.
At the train station, airports and buses, testing almost disappears,” said an official at the UT Health Department.
The weekly ponytime level, however, has dropped to 0.8%, while the national average is 2.3.
Testing, Treatment and Search has become a keyword in Covid Management.
“If the infection is reduced, the number of contacts is also reduced.
But someone must focus on testing in solid areas such as colonies and slums, and public places such as bus stations and train stations,” said a public health expert.
Testing in Chandigarh is less than Punjab and Himachal Pradesh.
The highest test per million tests per day is in Mizoram with 4,277.
The city is used to do more than 4,000 tests per day during May.
It has declined to 2,000 tests a day in June and they now fluctuate between 1,300 to 1,600 every day.
Experts advise Delta strain variants, there is a need to obey Covid norms.
“It will take more time for viruses to spread the tentacles if we do not follow the behavior and monitors that are suitable by testing many samples every day.” Experts say it is the right time to test the door to the door in the high-risk area.
Times awarded a threat that loomed from a more contagious new Covid variant, the authorities were unable to let their guard down.
This also implies the need to do testing consistently.
People ignore behavior that matches Covid again and the increasing ‘R’ factor is all warning signs.
If the Covid control steps are not strictly followed, the city may see a surge in case faster than expected.

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