Punjab Doesn’t Need Delhi Model, Tweet Navjot Singh Sidhu – News2IN

Punjab Doesn’t Need Delhi Model, Tweet Navjot Singh Sidhu

Punjab Doesn't Need Delhi Model, Tweet Navjot Singh Sidhu
Written by news2in

Chandigarh: The leader of the Navjot Singh Sidhu Congress, who has been out of the Punjab Cabinet in 2019 after being given a power portfolio, tweeted on Wednesday that the Minister of Punjab’s minister was unable to bring reforms because of all the forces of decision-making with the PSERC, which directly reported to cm.
In fresh utas from six tweets, Sidhu repeated the punjab model for the development of the country.
“Politics without work on policies are only negative campaigns and politicians without pro-people’s agenda here only for business.
Thus, politics without development has no meaning for me.
Today, I emphasize that we need a punjab model for the development of punjab.” “It won’t blame (before CM Parskash Singh and Son Sukhbir Singh) bad because they don’t have a vision because I know they don’t.
At present, solar energy is Rs 1.99 per unit, with other renewable benefits, available on the ground (solar well okay) etc.
But the PPA was signed by Badal to bind to the thermal power that paid much higher for decades, “he added.
“There is no Delhi model! Delhi does not produce its own strength, and distribution is in the hands of reliance and Tata.
Punjab produces 25% of its own strength and distributes through state-owned corporations, provides work to thousands.
The Delhi model means a bigger player than Badal , “he tweeted.
“Punjab provides 10% of the budget (Rs 10,668 Crore) as a subsidy for power, but Delhi gives 4% of the budget (Rs 3,080 Crore).
Apart from agriculture, Punjab provides 200 units completely free to 15 families of lakh (SC, BC & BPL) , But Delhi charged a 50% fee for less than 400 units and completed the bill for all 400 units, “he said.
“Now, the big question: Can the minister of strength, new and renewable energy, punjab, do all this? Even 1%.
All the strength of decision-making with PSERC directly reports to cm.
Thus, I invested my time in the punjab model to map the road To restore the power of people back to people, “he said.

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