Punjab ex-DGP accused Amarinder Singh from ‘sleep’ with agent content – News2IN

Punjab ex-DGP accused Amarinder Singh from ‘sleep’ with agent content

Punjab ex-DGP accused Amarinder Singh from 'sleep' with agent content
Written by news2in

Bathinda: Former DGP Punjab Police Mohammad Mustafa has replied anti-national comments against the president of the Punjab Congress Navjot Singh Sidhu by making a series of tweets on Sunday morning.
Mustafa, who was the core advisor for Navjot Singh Sidhu, accused the captain of Amarinder Singh to sleep with the content agent known for years and asked him not to teach nationalism.
Amarinder Singh after resigning when the head of the Punjab head on Saturday night called Sidhu Anti-national, dangerous, unstable, incompetent and threat to Punjab and the nation.
“Kapt Capt, we have been a family for a long time.
Don’t force me to open my mouth.
I know you have an infinite capacity to tell naked lies with a straight face.
Serang NSS (Sidhu) Day by day politically by everyone means, but to question patriotism / His nationalism is not in your mouth, “he tweeted.
Captain sir, we have been family frnds.
Don’t force me to open my mouth.
I know you have unlimited capacity to notify …
https://t.co/Tx6O7Qable- Mohd Mustafa, Former IPS (@MohdMustafaiPs) 1632017824000He wrote itself and sleeping with a content agent known for 14 years, not to mention the interference of indifference Gross in government work and tons of money suck on an overseas account with your full convivancy, you don’t have a business to issue a slip patriotism.
Having YRSLF lives and sleeps with a content agent that is known for 14 years, not to mention the slices of interf …
https: // t .co / xrlyr3vdqj-mohd mustafa, former IPS (@mohdmustafaips) 1632017962000IN Others Tweet Mustafa writes what you know that you know that I know, not even an iceberg tip.
I have my mountain mountain with undeniable evidence “.
What do you know that I know, not even a tip of the iceberg.
I’m homely in my ownership of the mountain of mistakes with evidence like eyes.
3 / Mohd Mustafa, former IPS (@mohdmustafaips) 1632018474000in But another tweet he writes what you don’t know is that to respect my words to you not to go public with you even after you instill me unethnicly through UPSC in Conving with Arora, I constantly Refuse to share that even with Rahul Gandhi (RG) when asked.
That’s the power of my character, Sir Jee.
What you don’t know is that to respect my words for you

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