Punjab Waiver Faction Total Debt: Agricultural Workers – News2IN

Punjab Waiver Faction Total Debt: Agricultural Workers

Punjab Waiver Faction Total Debt: Agricultural Workers
Written by news2in

Bathinda: Welcoming the neglect of loans for farmers who do not have land and farm workers, the Punjab trade union has requested to expand the circle of its benefits and claim that assistance is only a small part of this class’s total debt.
They want the government to cover even farm laborers who do not have land not members of the main agricultural cooperative community (PACS) or between their debtors.
Punjab Khet Mazdoor Union (PKMU) has cited the September 2017 survey report on Punjab Agricultural University and Punjabi University on the average loan of sanctions, which he with him was around Rs 77,000 for the Labor family against Rs 91,000 for others.
Even if we assume Rs 77,000 to be the actual need of individual families, even then the neglect of the RS 20,000 announced by the state government has only been fourth from the total debt, claiming trade unions.
From Friday, the Punjab government will begin distributing the benefits of Rs 590 Crore to 2,85,325 workers without land, which is a member of the PACS.
They will get each of Rs 20,000.
PKMU State Secretary General Lachman Sewewala said: “The neglect is too small.
Labor takes a loan from not only PAC but also a microfinance company and landlords.
Loans in every form must be abolished.
The workers promised 5-Marla Plots..
MAZDOOR MUKTI MORCHA President Bhagwant Samo said: “The neglect is only the election.
The government can add criteria to include all farmers without land, such as 5 hectares of land limits are criteria.
“Ready to stir 7 trade unions have an inconclusive meeting with Minister of Punjab Brahm Mohindra on Thursday, because the secretary of various departments.
Not called for it.
The next meeting is on August 25.
The trade union has given a call to protest outside Minister of the ministers, parliamentarians, and MLA from September 1 to 3, if their demands are not fulfilled.
They want to revoke from the Labor Act, in addition to the neglect of loans to all workers, 5-Marla Plot, a third of the land of Shamlat for Dalit, and bank loans to RS 2 Lakh on the powder of farmer credit limits.

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