SGPC observes 37th anniversary of Operation Bluestar – News2IN

SGPC observes 37th anniversary of Operation Bluestar

SGPC observes 37th anniversary of Operation Bluestar
Written by news2in

AMRITSAR: Thirty seventh anniversary of Operation Bluestar, an armed operation carried out by army to sweep away the Sikh militants who were holed up in the Golden Temple complex, including Akal Takht in June 1984, was observed at Akal Takht on Sunday .
After bhog of akhand path, a handful of pro Khalistani’s who had gathered in the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) complex raised slogans in praise of separate Sikh state of Khalistan, eulogized the Sikh militants who had fought with the Indian army and flashed swords creating panic among the devotees.
All this happened in the presence of sleuths of various intelligence agencies and policemen who were present in the SGPC complex in plain clothes to avert any untoward incident.
Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu, SAD(A) president Simranjit Singh Maan, parallel officiating jathedar of Akal Takht Bhai Dhian Singh Mand and the leaders of a few hardliner Sikh organizations including Dal Khalsa were also present on the occasion.
While delivering his message to ‘quom’ (community )the officiating jathedar of Akal Takht Giani Harpreet Singh lashed out at the Indian army stating that the army had attacked the Akal Takht and Golden Temple as it had attacked Pakistan and China during wars.
He said the attack was akin to a wound inflicted by the army and the then Congress government upon the Sikh community which fills with the pus and keep out oozing all through the year and on June 6 it ruptures as the slogans of Khalistan were raised which also relieves the community of the pain and feel some succor.
“We know the treatment of this wound and the medicine required to heal it, but we never sat together to contemplate about it,” he said in a veiled comment on the differences within Sikh bodies to achieve the ‘target’.
The officiating jathedar also appealed to the media to not use the word Operation Bluestar, but mention the attack on the Golden Temple , Akal Takht and other gurdwara’s as ‘ghalluhgara’(holocaust).
Speaking on the occasion head granthi Giani Jagtar Singh said, “In June 1984, the then Congress government had attacked the innocent pilgrims with tanks and besides Akal Takht and Golden Temple the attack was launched on 37 other gurdwara”.
On this occasion, the son of militant leader Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale Ishar Singh and relatives of other militants were given siropa’s (robe of honor) by Sikh leaders.
Others present on the occasion included SGPC president Bibi Jagir Kaur, Jathedar Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib Giani Raghbir Singh, additional head granthi Giani Jagtar Singh, Tarna Dal chief Baba Nihal Singh Harian Velan, Dal Baba Bidhi Chand Samprada chief Baba Avtar Singh Sursingh, Damdami Taksal chief Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa etc.

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