Spread the teachings of the ninth Sikh teacher: Punjab cm – News2IN

Spread the teachings of the ninth Sikh teacher: Punjab cm

Chandigarh: Punjab Head of Minister Amarinder Singh on Friday underlines the need to spread the ninth Sikh Master, the ideology of Tegal Teacher’s Teacher Around the World, to promote the values ​​of peace, harmony, secularism and co-existence, enforced by the teacher through the highest sacrifice.
In his speech to the special session of Punjab Vidhan Sabha to mark the parkash 400 parkash warning Tegern Bahadur, captain Amarinder said that Faith Sikh was distinguished by the tradition of the martyrdom to enforce the principles and truths given by Sikh Gurus.
Life and Message Tegal Master Bahadur is the essence of what we consider to be punjabiyat.
“When we talk about Punjab and Punjabis, Punjabiyat must follow.
Punjabiyat is contained in life and the teachings of professors need to be understood, appreciated and maintained carefully,” he said.
He said that history remembered the Tegal Teacher Bahadur as ‘Hind in Chadar’ for making the highest sacrifice to oppose forced repentance and for the protection of religious freedom.
Teacher Sahib reached the martyr in November 1675, together with his colleagues Bhai Death Das, Bhai Sati and Bhai Dayal Das, which was brutally tortured to protect the freedom of Hindu Kashmir under Emperor’s government of Mughal Aurangzeb, he said.
Describing the state government celebration plan to mark this mega event, the main minister said the complicated arrangement was previously made to commemorate this historic event.
“However, a surge in the Covid case from April leads us to delay a larger public program.
In addition to the function in Sri Anandpur Sahib and Baba Bakala, the state government has proposed also regulating exhibitions on the life and teacher teacher Tegan Teg Bahadur, handicraft exhibition, festival Literature Punjabi, Drama (Hind-Chadar), sporting events, lightweight multimedia performances and Sufi music festivals.
“He hoped that the Covid situation increased significantly; Most of these events will be arranged.
Speaking on that occasion, the Governor of Punjab Banwari Lal Purohit described the masters of Tegh Bahadur as one of the most important turning points in Indian spiritual, religious and political history.
“The history of the punjab is full of selfless sacrifice made by Gurus and a great martyr who is always a source of inspiration for all of us.
Sikh Gurus inspires us in the era that might be the most challenging phase of our history.
No one can forget the contribution of Sikh Gurus and Their selfless sacrifice to strengthen unity among different communities.
Therefore, Sikh Gurus is respected not only by Sikh, but also by people from all religions throughout the world, “Pureohit said.
In his speech, the speaker assembly of Rana Kp Singh said the sacrifice of Tegal Teacher’s unprecedented teacher would never inspire humanity to absorb the message of love, harmony, and tolerance.
Speakers say that sacrifice of Sahib teachers is not only for the sake of Pandit Kashmiri or for Hindu protection, but is made for all humanity, religious freedom and equality.
In the keynote address, the former Judge Cji J S Khehar (Retd) emphasized the importance of ‘Ardas’ in the way of life Sikh.
He quoted the fifth martyrdom teacher, the Arjan Dev teacher, as an event that changed the direction of Sikh’s history and began the Sikh militarization process which until then was a peaceful community.
Encyclopaedia Britannica also recognizes the sacrifice of Tegal Teacher Tegahadur for freedom of religion, adding Khehar justice.
Thanking all officials, opposition leader Harp Singh Cheema advises one and all to follow the path shown by the teacher.
On that occasion, the assembly speaker read the message sent by the Dalai Lama and Venkaiiah Naidu vice president.

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