Tag Ramsar Site Wanted for Lake Chandubi – News2IN

Tag Ramsar Site Wanted for Lake Chandubi

Tag Ramsar Site Wanted for Lake Chandubi
Written by news2in

Guwahati: Environmental researchers have asked the Government of Assam to send a proposal to the center to appoint Lake Chandubi who is famous as a wetland ‘ramsar site’ which is important internationally because recognition can change social-economic needs and the environment.
Wetlands have rich natural resources and the potential to produce livelihoods.
‘Ramsar Convention on Wetlands’ is an agreement between governments that provide a framework for conservation and wetland use and its resources.
Assam only has one Ramsar Wetland site, The Deustor Beel.
Deepak Kumar from the UN Development Program and Guwahati-based researchers Moharanhury Choudhury, who have assessed Chandubi’s economic value, believes that the wetlands have great potential to get the recognition of the Ramsar site.
The Choudhury environment said, “We try to produce a broader picture of monetary evaluation of these wetlands in our limited resources so that people can understand the values ​​of wetlands used and not used and the potential role in encouraging sustainable development goals.” “We have conducted a commendable research on the chandubi ecosystem assessment.
Although the data is inadequate and inadequate, we estimate the monetary value of Chandubi from the minimum RS 3,479 / hectare to RS 17.31,690 / hectare / year with dollar prices during our research period,” said Choudhury.
Chandubi is a natural eternal landscape formed as a post-disaster consequence of forest tectonic soaking during the 1897 magnitude in Assam.
This reflects the cultural ecoton from two bordering countries, namely Assam and Meghalaya.
This lake is located at the foot of Bukit Garo, about 60 km from here, and is close to the forest booked by Borduar in the north and Hill Mayong ordered the forest to the south.
The Kulsi River, South Sungai Brahmaputra, connects downstream to Chandubi.
Experts say wetlands have social, economic and ecological significance because wetlands have proven to be natural channels.
Urban flashing flood intensity has been enlarged several times because of dying wetlands.
Kumar said the wetlands faced a serious ecosystem marginalization where ecosystem services had not been given prices and were reflected in decision making and which proved complete marketing failure.
“Agricultural products from transformed / converted lakes / encroachment do not reflect lost values ​​due to flood protection, fisheries and biodiversity.
People who decrease are not the same as their livelihoods.
Wet land governance has been ineffective in overcoming sectoral policies that provide incentives that provide incentives leads to thinning land thinning, “Kumar said.

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