The country’s first double variant case is detected – News2IN

The country’s first double variant case is detected

The country's first double variant case is detected
Written by news2in

Dibrugarh: The first case of the Covid double variant infection in the country was detected in the ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh, a regional medical research center for the North-East region recently.
Confirming this, Nodal officers and ICMR-RMRC scientists were deposited, Dr.
Bisjectyoti Borkakoty, on Monday said that a female doctor from Dibrugarh was found infected by the alpha variant earlier this year.
Then, after full recovery, he was infected with the Delta variant in May.
Chasing it as a very rare incident, Borkakoty said that it was the first case reported from India.
He said that only four cases of multiple variants like that had so far been reported throughout the world.
In January 2021, scientists in Brazil reported that two people had been infected simultaneously with two types of coronavirus.
Other cases were reported from Portugal recently when a 17-year-old child captured the second type of Covid while still recovering from different and different covid infections.
Likewise in March 2021, a 90-year-old woman from Belgium died after being infected with the alpha and beta variants of Coronavirus.
“This is the first case of the double variant infection detected in India.
Patients are a doctor from being involved in the active task of Covid-19 treating infected patients.
He was infected with B.1.1.7 called the Alpha variant or UK variant.
In March , he was fully vaccinated after recovering.
Then again, after more than a month, he was infected again.
During the sequencing genome recently, we found that he was infected with the Delta variant (B.617.2) also known as the Indian variant.
He has symptoms Light.
He recovered quite well and did not require hospitalization, “said Dr.
In July last year, a team led by Dr.
Borkakoty managed to isolate the Covid-19 virus (SARS-COV-2) and by doing so, the ICMR-RMRC was carried out into the third government laboratory in the country to achieve achievements.

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