The government rules ‘mandatory kannada’ debate – News2IN

The government rules ‘mandatory kannada’ debate

The government rules 'mandatory kannada' debate
Written by news2in

Bengaluru: The state government regulation to make Kannada mandatory for four semesters in the three-year degree program in accordance with the New National Education Policy (NEP) has moved honeycomb.
Many private universities drawn non-Karnataka students say the mandate has caused concern among students.
A top lecture in the city said one concern raised by a new batch was about Kannada.
“For our students from North and Northeast, four semesters may be useless.
While we believe that the two-functional semester semester will be very useful, the four semester mandates will rob students the opportunity to learn the language that he might need for their future education or career, “said a lecturer from college.
In accordance with the new degree course format that will take effect from the 2021-22 academic year, students must study Kannada in four semesters plus additional language with their majors and choices.
It can be any language offered by college.
Textbooks go status for Kannada speakers and non-original speakers must be different.
“The concern is also about other languages.
With Kannada and other languages ​​it becomes mandatory, many students may prefer English as the last.
What happens to active foreign languages ​​such as French and German or other languages ​​such as Sanskrit, Tamil or Urdu? The lecturer workload changes dramatically, “shows lecturers.
“We are afraid that there will be doubts among non-Kartataka students to join universities in the state,” said KH Anil Kumar, Professor and Director of Karnataka College of Management, where 25-30% of students come from other states.
At a recent meeting with the representative of Chancellor and chose the Principal of NEP in the Karnataka State High Education Board, several university heads suggested the government change the rules of teaching Kannada as a functional language, as was practiced for the engineering of Visvesvaraya University.
VTU students are taught Kannada for functional use in one semester and the subject only carries two credit, while the four semesters who are prescribed for three-year courses have 12 credits.
“The old scheme of things must continue for the language.
In addition, students who do not choose Kannada must learn Kannada functional for two semesters.
In the event that students choose Kannada and other languages ​​other than English, they must learn functional English for two semesters.
With this, students will be able to balance all languages, “said a school principal.
A council member said this decision was political.
“While NEP promises greater flexibility, does this limit the choice of students,” asked a teacher.
MK Shridhar, who is in the NEP designer committee, chooses to be different.
“Nep asks to emphasize regional languages ​​in any way possible.
The question is whether the policy spirit is taken care of or not.
The other is just a detailed problem.
Even when a student is flexible, there must be a framework for the system,” he said.

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