The son of the former minister was held to try the murder – News2IN

The son of the former minister was held to try the murder

The son of the former minister was held to try the murder
Written by news2in

PeHowa: The police have arrested the son of former Minister of Agriculture Hanyana – Cum-Indian National Lander Lok Dal (INLD) late Jaswinder Singh Sandhu in Pehowa in Kurukshetra on Thursday night.
Following his arrest, Karanjot Singh Sandhu, the son of former leader Inld Gumthala Garhu Village in Kurukshetra Regency was produced at the District Court on Friday, which sent him to detention until January 17.
In accordance with this information, the game was arrested by a case (425/2021) registering it on the complaint of Avtar Singh from Gumthala Garhu under Section 34 (general intention), 307 (effort to murder), 323 (voluntarily causing injury) and 506 (intimidation Criminal) IPC in Phowa Police Station on November 21, 2021.
In his complaint, Avtar was allegedly after the competition of the case he was separated against the game on November 16, 2021, he was in Convance with his legs hit his daughter Swanjit Kaur with his SUV with his SUV With his SUV with his SUV with his SUV when he left home to take a walk in the morning on November 17, 2021.
He said the SUV’s front tire had passed Swararjit.
In particular, both parties have filed complaints with each other after the alleged attack and effort to kill, after that, the Kurukshetra police have registered two cases in Pehowa on November 16, 2021.
In the first case (422/2021) in Pehowa submitted by Phowa Avtar, Karanjot and the other two were booked based on Section 307, 323, 34, 341 (wrong restraints), 452 (Trespass), and 506 (criminal intimidation) IPC and 27 Arm Law, allegedly to open fire at AVTAR and.
Family members on November 16.
In the second case (423/2021) in Pehowa nested by Karanjot, Avtar and his son Taranandeep was ordered based on Section 285 (negligent abundant substances), 34 and 506 IPC, allegedly to open fire in the game.
In the first case against the game related to the shooting, he had secured an anticipatory guarantee from the Punjab High Court and Haryana and Hearing delayed in the second case.
Meanwhile, the Special Investigation Team (Sitting) led by Kurukshetra Additional Supervisory Police (ASP) Karan Goel arrested the game.
Advocate Karanjot, Karan Chawla said, “The court asked the police to take the opinion of teeth whether the teeth (Swanjit) the person was damaged or not.
The police sought a time of one day and the trial was repaired for January 17.
In accordance with Fir, the game was not even driving a vehicle where he was Accused of 307 IPC.
The FIR told that the vehicle was driven by someone else.
This is a political case Sport Pehowa Mla-Haryana Sandeep Singh from misusing her beads in these cases.
Jactej Singh said, “After registration of this case, we demand an impartial investigation of the government and administration.
The government includes sitting Minister of Sports Pehowa Mla-Haryana Sandeep Singh abusing the state machine to involve my brother in two cases.
The Sandeep minister took us as a challenge When we lift our voices to the practice of corruption in the PEHOWA constituency.
Rates have been set in every office and the public knows the level of each job.
The game is used to increase this problem and he is active.
In politics and in an effort to target it politically targeted.
They bring us As a political challenge for the future.
“Jasej said,” We also support farmers during the farmers’ protest and my father always stands up to the public.
We have evidence of the Minister (Sandeep Singh) because he has threatened a complainant not to take complaints, in this case against us.
When we grew it I consensus each other.

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