Virus fever made a bugle doctor on their toes – News2IN

Virus fever made a bugle doctor on their toes

Virus fever made a bugle doctor on their toes
Written by news2in

Cases increased since mid-August; Most of the patients tested negative for Covid
A mid-19th Covid situation deteriorating in Kerala, Bangalore witnessed an increase in cases of viral fever which is characterized by high-grade fever.
However, the city doctors say that there is nothing to worry about because most people affected by viral fever is negative testing for Covid-19.
Dr Pramod V Satya (consultant, internal medicine, hospital Vikram) said, “We have seen a huge increase in cases of viral fever this.
In July, total fever cases we’re less than five percent.
But now, the number of cases of viral fever in the department our out-patient (OPD) has risen to 40 percent.
the patients present with symptoms such as fever, headache, loss of appetite and body aches.

“Cases of this virus continues to rise since mid-August and September.
Other types of fever associated with dengue fever, malaria and typhoid increased,” he said.
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According to Dr.
Satya, with lockdown relaxed, a lot of people out of their homes.
Many offices have reopened, and people are more traveled.
“It has made food and waterborne diseases.
This apart, the rainy season has accelerated the threat of mosquitoes, resulting in the increase in cases of malaria and dengue fever.”
Dr Supraja Chandrasek, Intensivitas Child, Columbia Asia Hospital Reference Yeswanthpur, was unanimous.
“Kids come with high-grade fever (102- 103 degrees Fahrenheit) with the look dull and lethargic.
They also suffered dehydration and respiratory symptoms.
These symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath and low oxygen levels.
For the kids younger, we treat them to bronchiolitis, which is expected this season and take a natural path to recovery.

Subrata Das, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine and Diabetologi, Hospital Sakra World, said: “We looked at two types of viral infection – a fever like fever and other flu influenza.
A sudden increase could be caused by the rainy season, when rainfall persistent produce stagnation of water which in turn causes the mosquito-borne disease.

Dr Gururaj Biradar, Con-Sultan – Paediatrics, Trigger, and Neonatology, Hospital Manipal Whitefield, said: “There is a surge of up to 60 percent in the case of fever, cough, and cold.
Symptoms dominant cough.
Most of the results showed that the children suffering from a viral infection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
This is due to seasonal changes such as the cold weather.
Some children (20-30 percent) in need of acceptance, and nebulized oxygen requirements due to virus infection can be severe.

Dr Chandrasekar suggested that parents should recognize the signs of high-grade fever in children.
“Breathing fast is one of the main symptoms.
A child less than five years of breathing more than 40 per minute or an older child breathes more than 30 per minute.
“Furthermore, the normal pulse rate is usually less than 120 per minute and saturation above 95 percent.
If the fever persists for more than three days, it is advisable to consult a doctor and perform a physical examination,” he added.
Danger signs
Persistent fever despite medication
breathing fast
persistent vomiting
feeling sluggish
No urination for more than 6 hours
Severe abdominal pain.
Severe headache
Rash comprehensive
Swelling of the face and eyes

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