Can the exercise endanger your body? – News2IN

Can the exercise endanger your body?

Can the exercise endanger your body?
Written by news2in

Pandemic Coronavirus has raised awareness about staying fit and healthy.
While everyone tries their own way to be physically active and eat healthy, here is something Ayurveda says about sports.
Many people end up with exercise thinking they will get additional benefits.
However, experts say that too many sports can cause pain and health complications.
Thus, it is very important to understand why someone should not exercise excessively.
Ayurvedic experts, Dr.
Dixa Bhavsar take it to Instagram to talk about Vayama (sports), the importance of and how much exercise is too much exercise.
What is Vyayama?
Activities that make your body tired are called Vyayama.
Physical actions that increase the body’s strength and increase the digestive fire (Dosha Kshaya) when done at a capacity is being called a sport.
Exercising right leads to sweat, increased respiratory level and light in the body along with an increase in heart rate.
Excessive danger
The first thing first, excessive does not lead to additional benefits, in fact, it can backfire by leading to pain, injury and fatigue.
Exercising excessive outside the body’s capacity without taking a nutritious diet can cause severe vata irritation, loss of the poor network and agni.
Thus, exercise must definitely be part of your daily routine but in medium quantities.
Benefits of Exercising
Exercise causes body nutrition, sparkles and increases the muscles of the body.
This increases digestion, increases body stability, makes you feel light, active and bring tolerance to fatigue, thirst, hot and cold weather.
The biggest benefit of exercise is to cure obesity, which if not taken care of can cause greater health problems later on.
Exercise and body that massage protect disease in the bay, like a lion that makes small animals go, said Dr.
People who exercise also digest heavy food easily.

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