Does Mix two Covid-19 vaccines are not safe? – News2IN

Does Mix two Covid-19 vaccines are not safe?

Does Mix two Covid-19 vaccines are not safe?
Written by news2in

According to ICMR studies, mixing two vaccines (covidshield and covaxin) are safe and provide better immunity.
Studies around the world are being carried out to understand whether the combination of two different vaccines can outperform two doses of the same vaccine.
However, experts suggest that mixing should not be done randomly and must be based on various problems.
Commenting on the ICMR study, Chairman of the Covid Shield Maker Serum Institute of India, Cyrus Poonwalla said, mixing two different vaccines was a very risky decision and had to be discouraged.
He further said, “I oppose the mixing of vaccines.
If mixing is done and the results are not good, vaccine producers will blame each other for results.
First, vaccine authorities will never give full approval because it is very risky.
Therefore it is very risky of decision And it’s a waste of time.
When one vaccine works, why should we mix it and cause complications? We must fully inhibit this ”

According to 98 people by ICMR, where 18 people received Covid Shield as the first dose and Covaxin as the second dose in Siddhart Nagar Uttar Pradesh, it was found that immunization with cocktail covidshield and safe covaxin and detrimental effects were also found similar when compared to the dose regimen same.
The study said, “We compare their safety and immunogenicity profiles (18 individuals) to those who receive covishield or covaxin.
Lower and similar bad devices after immunization in the three groups underlined the safety of the combination vaccine regime.
Immunogenicity’s profile of the Alfa, Beta and Delta variants in the superior heterologist group and IgG antibodies and neutralized the participants’s antibody response was also significantly higher than the homolog group “.
What does the World Health Organization say?
According to the World Health Organization, at present, there is limited data about immunogenicity or the efficacy of “mixed and compatibility” regimens.
AstraZeneca recommendations have been modified to indicate that one of the MRNA (Pfizer or Moderna) vaccines can be used as a second dose after the first dose of astrazeneca vaccine if the second dose of astrazeneca is not available.
Based on the basic principles in which vaccines work, which argue that mixed regimens and suitable tend to work.
In fact, we really need to analyze evidence in each combination of these vaccines before other recommendations can be made.

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