Eclipse Lunar: Diet Prevention Action – News2IN

Eclipse Lunar: Diet Prevention Action

Eclipse Lunar: Diet Prevention Action
Written by news2in

A lunar eclipse is a celestial events where the earth comes between the Sun and the Moon.
During an eclipse, the Earth moves between the Moon and the Sun and block the sunlight reflected by the Lunar surface.
Longest lunar eclipse in 580 years will take place on November 19, it will be a rare celestial events because it will be one of the longest since 1440, include six hours and will be visible throughout the world, including India.
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The moon will appear in the red color of blood, which will occur as a beam of sunlight passes through Earth’s atmosphere and at least deflected and fall months.
garnish lunar eclipse
Longest lunar eclipse many years will begin 00:48 IST and will end at 16:17 IST.
The eclipse will reach its peak around 14:34 IST and this time the Earth’s shadow will cover about 97 percent of the moon.
There are various myths surrounding the eclipse of the moon.
Here we’ll bust some of the most common myths.
Read AlsoChandra Grahan 2021: What happens during a lunar eclipse? Why lunar eclipse of November 19, 2021 special?
Myth: We do not have to watch the lunar eclipse with the naked eye
Fact: According to science, the lunar eclipse is safe to watch instantly through the naked eye.
You do not need to take special precautions to watch the lunar eclipse.
Myth: We should not eat or drink anything during eclipseFact month: This is a common myth that food and water be poisoned during the eclipse as a strong light is emitted during a lunar eclipse.
However, it is not true.
UV rays and other particles in violation of our planet’s atmosphere will not differ from usual days.
It’s safe to eat or drink during the eclipse.
Read AlsoLunar Eclipse Nov 2021: Date, time, visibility in India and all you need to know about Chandra Grahan
Myth: We do not have to have sex
Fact: It is believed that people should not enjoy sex as it was considered a bad omen.
There is no scientific backing to support this claim.
Myth: Avoid touching sharp objects
Fact: It is said that if you hurt yourself with sharp objects during the eclipse, the wound will not heal more slowly.
bleeding may last longer and scars may remain for a lifetime.
It is a strange myth.
Myth: Bang pots and pansFact: In older times, people used to believe that the eclipse occurs when animals consumed Month myth or demons.
Thus, to frighten them and drive them, people must band pots and pans.
There is another strange myth with no scientific reason behind it.
See also:
Lunar Eclipse 2021: Zodiac signs this will be the most affected, so beware!
Myth: You do not have to sleep during the eclipse
Fact: There is no explanation as to why one should not sleep during the eclipse.
You can choose to sleep or do not sleep as you wish.
Myth: Avoid sitting in animals
Fact: One should avoid doing it even when there is no eclipse.
This is because you may hurt the animals to sit on them.

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